Forces in the Field- Culzean 2012
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Recently, the National Trust for Scotland held a weekend event at Culzean Castle and Country Park entitled “Forces in the Field”. The Maybole Branch of the RBLS and members of other branches were invited to take part on the Sunday. Three pipe bands and legionnaires, with medals, mustered with their standards at the West Battery for an official photograph before performances by the bands and Scottish Country Dancers.

The bands then led a parade to the Fountain Court where Col. John Dalrymple Hamilton, President of the Maybole Branch of the RBLS, took the salute. Afterwards there was another official photo and performances by the bands and dancers. Then everyone made their way to the Visitors Centre area for a parade into the Events Field where the pipe bands beat the retreat and the parade was dismissed. Three members of the Riders Branch of the RBLS attended on motorcycles and members of HQ staff had a small marquee at the event field where information was available on the RBLS, Pensions and Welfare etc. Donations  for the RBLS could be made there.

See also Forces in the Field 2013