Greenside Memorial Service 11th of November 2005
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Maybole remembered its war dead with two services last week and the weather for both could hardly have been bigger contrast. It was quite wet and windy on Friday November 11 at 11am when there was the traditional two minutes silence during a service led by Rev Dave Whiteman, Fr Stephen McGrattan and Rev David Jones.

This service was attended by the Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland and several other local organisations and all schools. Bugler was Jim Campbell and Pipe sergeant Kevin McDermott played the lament. Billy Swan recited Binyon’s Lines “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.”

He also recited the Kohima Epitaph “When you go home, tell them of us and say: 'for your tomorrow we gave our today'”. It was glorious and sunny if a bit cold on Remembrance Sunday, November 13, when there was an ecumenical church service in the Town Hall again led by Rev Whiteman. The service began at 10am with Robert Malone and William Milligan carrying the colours of the Royal British Legion Scotland and the Union Flag into the packed hall to be received by the minister.

Also assisting were Fr Stephen McGrattan and Rev Tom McVicar; Andrew Curry of Carrick Acdemy recited “In Flanders Fields” and Janetta Rodger read from the gospel of St John. Following the service Maybole Pipe Band led the parade to the war memorial where at 11am there was the traditional two minute silence during a service led by Rev Whiteman and Fr McGrattan. Pipe Major Gavin Nicol, of Maybole Pipe Band, played the lament and Jim Campbell was again the bugler.

Billy Swan recited “Binyon's Lines" and the Kohima Epitaph. Wreaths were laid by the local branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, the Women’s Section of the branch, South Ayrshire Councillor Andy Hill, Maybole Community Council, Families and Friends, Effort for Erskine, Maybole Town Twinning Association, Maybole Council of Churches, Boys Brigade, Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies, Carrick Academy, Masonic Lodges, Apprentice Boys of Derry, Carrick Round Table, the local Fire Brigade and Maybole Community Association.

Afterwards the pipe band led the parade for the "march past" taken by councillors and clergy. For those unable to join the parade there was a short service of Remembrance in the Town Hall at 11am.