Remembrance Day 14 November 2004
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Click on the small photos below to view full size. Photos taken by Tony Kerrigan

Maybole remembered its war dead with two services last week. On Thursday November 11 at 11am there was the traditional two minutes silence during a service led by Rev Arrick Wilkinson. This service was attended by the Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland and several other local organisations and all schools. On Remembrance Sunday, November 14, there was an ecumenical church service in the West church building led by Rev Douglas Moore. The service began at 10am with Robert Malone and William Milligan carried the colours of the Royal British Legion Scotland and the Union Flag into the church to be received by the minister. Following the church service Maybole Pipe Band led the parade to the war memorial where at 11am there was the traditional two minute silence during a service led by Fr Jim Hayes and Rev Moore. Pipe Major Gavin Nicol, of Maybole Pipe Band, played the lament and Jim Campbell of the RBLS recited Binyon's Lines". Wreaths were laid by the local branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, the Women’s Section of the branch, South Ayrshire Councillor Andy Hill, Maybole Community Council, Families and Friends, Effort for Erskine, Maybole Town Twinning Association, Maybole Council of Churches, Boys Brigade, Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies, Carrick Academy, Masonic Lodges, Apprentice Boys of Derry, Carrick Round Table and members of the local Fire Brigade. Afterwards the pipe band led the parade for the "march past" taken by councillors and clergy.