Burns - Where it All Began - With a Marriage in Maybole
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In Maybole, Friday December 14 to Sunday December 16, 2007 was a whole weekend devoted to marking the 250th anniversary of the marriage of Agnes Broun to William Burnes in the town. The actual church where the original wedding was held is no longer there but the Auld College would have been standing at the time and is only a few yards from the site of the former parish church. Agnes and William had met at a market fair held in Maybole the year before, 1756, had courted and then became engaged. They were married on December 15, 1757 by Rev. James MacKnight, who in 1769 was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Donald Kay and Susan Whiteman played the parts of William and Agnes with Denis Reid playing Rev James MacKnight. The bride was given away by her father Gilbert Broun, played by Dave Whiteman. The best man was played by Paul Gregor and the bridesmaids by Rachel and Rebecca Whiteman. Scott Barrie piped the bride to the church and after the ceremony he piped the bridal party to Maybole Castle for the wedding reception which included a hog roast, wedding cake and refreshments.

Read the full story below and click on the images to view full size.

The events started in the town hall on Friday evening with a concert by local young people. Compère was Carrick Academy pupil Grant Kidd (left) who kept the fun going all night as he alternated between his two characters of Boab and Jimmy.

On Saturday evening there was another concert this time featuring a number of local artistes and this was attended by Provost Winifred Sloan, Sandra Osborne MP, John Haining, Angus Middleton, President of the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs, and several other invited guests. Compère for the evening was Dennis McCaffery (left).

The year’s events were brought to a conclusion on Sunday December 16 with a united church service in Maybole Hall led by Rev Dave Whiteman and Fr Stephen McGrattan. All the hymns were sung to tunes written by Robert Burns and Angus Middleton spoke about the poet’s knowledge and love of the bible. (Left to right Peter Mason, Fr Stephen McGrattan, Susan Whiteman, Angus Middleton, Rev Dave Whiteman, David Kiltie) Read the full story below.

In Maybole, Friday December 14 to Sunday December 16 was a whole weekend devoted to marking the 250th anniversary of the marriage of Agnes Broun to William Burnes in the town. The events started in the town hall on Friday evening with a concert by local young people. Compère was Carrick Academy pupil Grant Kidd who kept the fun going all night as he alternated between his two characters of Boab and Jimmy.


Gardenrose Primary School presented a fantastic “Snapshot of Rabbie’s life”; Maybole Majorette and Dance School excellently demonstrated maypole dancing; Alastair Edmond and Ruaraidh Park, of Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra, entertained with some fiddle tunes; and a choir of pupils from the town’s three primary schools brought the first half to a close.


The second half got off to a great start with St Cuthbert’s Primary School re-enacting Agnes and William’s wedding in a very humorous sketch; Carrick Academy pupils retold the legend of the Countess and the Gypsy Johnny Faa; Cairn Primary School presented their hilarious version of the X Factor at the time of Burns; and young members of Maybole Pipe Band brought the house down in the grand finale.


During the evening Alan Reid, chairman of Maybole Community Association presented commemorative gifts to the Gala King and Queen of Carrick and their attendants. They were Ross Keenan, King; Sophie McPherson, Queen; Damian Westran and William Fleming, Crown Bearers; Paige Campbell and Emma Milligan, Ladies in Waiting. Unfortunately Damian was unable to be there but his gift will be taken to him.


David Kiltie thanked everyone who had taken part in what had been a memorable night and went on to thank the head teachers of the local schools, and their staff, for all the work they had put into what had been a magnificent concert. Saturday December 15 was the exact day Agnes and William were married in 1757 and the marriage ceremony was re-enacted in the Auld College at the foot of the Kirkwynd.


The actual church where the original wedding was held is no longer there but the Auld College would have been standing at the time and is only a few yards from the site of the former parish church. Agnes and William had met at a market fair held in Maybole the year before, 1756, had courted and then became engaged. They were married on December 15, 1757 by Rev. James MacKnight, who in 1769 was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.


Donald Kay and Susan Whiteman played the parts of William and Agnes with Denis Reid playing Rev James MacKnight. The bride was given away by her father Gilbert Broun, played by Dave Whiteman. The best man was played by Paul Gregor and the bridesmaids by Rachel and Rebecca Whiteman. Scott Barrie piped the bride to the church and after the ceremony he piped the bridal party to Maybole Castle for the wedding reception which included a hog roast, wedding cake and refreshments.


John Haining, President of the World Federation of Burns Clubs, and a number of friends from nearby Burns Clubs attended the event and afterwards John congratulated everyone on how well everything had gone. Then it was time for the usual wedding speeches and toasts to the health of the bride and groom.


On Saturday evening there was another concert this time featuring a number of local artistes and this was attended by Provost Winifred Sloan, Sandra Osborne MP, John Haining, Angus Middleton, President of the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs, and several other invited guests.


Compère for the evening was Dennis McCaffery and he introduced singers Mhairi Gibson and Jim Stevens; Jean Dunn in a hilarious sketch; Davie Anderson with some Burns songs; Ayr Branch of the Scottish Country Dance Society; Lesley Rodgerwho was in fine voice; Fergus Cook with a magnificent version of “Tam O’ Shanter”, and Maybole Pipe Band brought the first half to a close with some rousing tunes.


The second half artistes were Frances Dryburgh with old and modern songs; Maybole Concert Party re-enacting the wedding in humorous style; Crosshill Entertainers with a couple of Burns songs; Denis Reid and David Hunter who certainly brought history alive in  a very funny and realistic way; and the marvellous Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra with leader Wallace Galbraith.


After a comprehensive vote of thanks for what had been another memorable event, Maybole Pipe Band joined the Fiddle Orchestra for a rousing finale of “Highland Cathedral” and the evening was brought to a close with the orchestra playing “Auld Lang Syne” and the company joining hands in the traditional way.


The year’s events were brought to a conclusion on Sunday December 16 with a united church service in Maybole Hall led by Rev Dave Whiteman and Fr Stephen McGrattan. All the hymns were sung to tunes written by Robert Burns and Angus Middleton spoke about the poet’s knowledge and love of the bible.


David Kiltie thanked everyone who had taken part in the many events during the year and especially thanked the Heritage Lottery Fund for the grant which had made the whole project possible. As well as the weekend events there had been a launch of the project, a market fair to commemorate the first meeting of William and Agnes in Maybole, and the annual gala had an 18th century theme.


“Susan Whiteman and Donald Kay were outstanding all year as Agnes and William,” he said and added, “It has been an exceptional year which hopefully will stay in all our memories.” He went on to thank June Dunlop for all her work in making the many costumes needed; the working group of  Alex Kelly, Jim McDermott, Eileen Hamilton and all their helpers who had co-ordinated the events; Maybole Men’s Health Forum; May-Tag staff and Peter Walker; as well as Rev Dave Whiteman and Fr Stephen McGrattan for their support.


“In addition,” he continued, “can I thank all those from the World Federation of Burns Clubs and the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs - especially Angus Middleton and John Haining. Their support has been much appreciated.” The overall committee was Peter Mason, of Maybole Community Council, Susan Whiteman, of Maybole Community Association, and Helen McAdam of Maybole Historical Society and they were thanked for their time in effort. Ellen Hawkes was thanked for her tremendous work in co-ordinating the whole project from start to finish. Mr Kiltie added that Agnes and William were not to know their chance meeting and marriage in Maybole was the real beginning of the immortal story of Robert Burns.  “With these events, the world will now know,” he concluded.


Peter Mason then thanked Mr Kiltie for his involvement and contribution to “Robert Burns… where it began”.