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Photographs above by Tony Kerrigan


I’d like to wish you all a very happy and peaceful New Year from the Baptist Church, speaking of which, we are looking forward to a New Year in our fellowship where we can be busy with God’s work. We can look forward to many things in the coming year as we were richly blessed in the year past.


It has been particularly nice to enjoy fellowship with Maybole Parish Church, especially during the Christmas period, with shared services at the children’s Nativity Service, the candle lit evening service and also on Christmas Morning.  Our kids club has now resumed after the Christmas break (Wed. 6.30pm) and we are praying that we might have a good number of boys and girls coming to this, ages from around 7 years to around 12 years old. I would like to stress also that our Women’s Fellowship, who meet on a Monday evening at 7.30pm would welcome any ladies to come along and see what goes on, the women have various people speaking each week on a variety of subjects, I’m sure if you haven’t been before, then you might be pleasantly surprised.


We are hoping to have a monthly-shared service with Maybole Parish Church, this will be a fairly informal affair with a fair bit of music, please come along as you will be made most welcome. We are very encouraged by the church café (Fri. 11.30am till 1.30pm) at the moment, as we are extremely busy, which is great, there are around 20 young lads from Carrick Academy coming every Friday now, along with our regular customers, which is really good, and the good thing is, when in this day and age some people tend to think younger people are sometimes not very mannerly, these boys are extremely pleasant and very mannerly, it’s a pleasure to serve them.  Once again it’s good to have this opportunity to let you know what is going on in our church, and also what will be happening in the near future. I hope that you might come along to something that is happening in the church, again it doesn’t matter whether you have never set foot in this or any other church, you will be made very welcome.  Below are the times of our services and other things that take place in the church, again you are welcome to come along to any, or all of these things.



Church Services 11.30am & 6.30pm, with Communion in the morning service each week.


Women’s Fellowship – 7.30pm.


Carrick Street Kids Club – 6.30pm. 


Mid-week meeting for Prayer & Bible study - 7.30pm

Friday Café

11.30am. till 1.30pm.


If you would like to know more about any of the things above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tom Barry – (Church Secretary)
Telephone-01655 889508  


On March 27th of 2005 members of Maybole’s Baptist Church welcomed their new minister Tom McVicar and his wife Elaine who gave up the sunny climes of Tenerife to come to the Capital of Carrick. Tom has previously been in churches in Ayr, working alongside Rev. Noel McCullins for around three years. He ministered in churches in Lancaster and Aberdeen, but most recently spent three years in Tenerife and still retains strong links with the church in Tenerife.

Send Your Questions or Your Prayer Request to our Church Secretary – Tom Barry e-mail to:   or telephone: (UK) 01655 88 95 08   Weekly Programme.

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Notes on the missionary work of members

Baptist Church History

Baptist Church History Booklet
 1900 - 1950

Baptist Church Centenary Book
 1900 - 2000

Photo of
Rev. Jack Murray

Photo of
 Miss Elizabeth Gill


Farewell from Rev. Richard Martin Time to retire, or as some friends put it - Time to RE-TYRE! It’s about five years since God opened the door for me and my wife to come to Maybole, when the Baptist Church called us to minister here.  More about Rev Richard Martin.


CHERNOBYL - Gone & Forgotten? Well, do you remember 26th April 1986? What were you doing 14 years ago, to the day? I had just turned fifty. My youngest, at fourteen, was nearly my height. Now he's taller than me, a father, and I'm Granddad to a healthy little lad who is nearly six years old. Click on the Flag to learn more about the visit of 12 children and two adults from the area of this event to Maybole last summer. (Updated Sept, 2000)  News article with photo of children on their visit to Maybole. Letter of thanks from Maybole Baptist Church and Belarus as appearing in Ayrshire Post. (July, 2000).

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