January - 2001
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Rev Richard MARTIN - Minister

Over Or Just Starting?

Has the Millennium Year just finished or just begun?

Have you heard the arguments, one way and another?

I think its over, though others I know say its just starting.

Whoever is right, if it really matters, the world is still turning

on its axis and making its way around the sun.

Time continues and we are still here.

That puts the kibosh on predictions of the world's end!


It is strange how people try to predict the future.

From massive events like the end of the world to less earth shattering affairs like our career progress, lottery chances or prospects in love - someone always thinks they can forecast the course of our lives. Their speculations may get close to the mark - but often they don't!


The Bible comments

on our planning, scheming & predicting

- even if we don't consult 'the experts'.

Take this example from the Book of Proverbs:


Many are the plans in a man's heart,

but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19.21 NIV


I reckon this is worth remembering for the year ahead.

Everyday I need God to show me His purpose for my life.


May GOD Bless YOU Through AD 2001


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