It started even before December began.
What shops had been up to since September, friends tried to copy. Getting
ahead of Christmas.
Most people who send Christmas cards early say they’re trying to ‘get
ahead’. They explain how busy they get in the following weeks. We
understand. We’ve found ourselves with one day in which to get something
essential for the holiday.
Is it busyness – or could it be forgetfulness!
But what is all the rush?
What’s it all, about when you boil it down.
Do we celebrate CHRISTMAS or make it an excuse for a good time? The
eating and drinking, the presents and cards are fine - but the shopping,
the writing, the preparing & cooking & washing up, can be a pain in
the neck. Is this really celebrating?
Don’t misunderstand me. Jesus enjoyed some good parties. Most of His
celebrations lasted several days and focussed on a spiritual event which
was very specifically remembered.
Let me ask you...
How will you celebrate THE event of Christmas?
I don’t mean the presents and parties. I mean, how will you celebrate the
birth of the One of whom the angel declared:
Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you;
He is Christ the Lord.
You’d be welcome at our special Christmas services
on Sunday, 22 December
11.30 a.m. Family Service –
Children’s Carols
6.30 p.m. Candlelit Carol Service |