July/August 2002
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Rev Richard MARTIN - Minister



The Bible’s full of contradictions’   - shouts the heckler.

 ‘Show me one’   - responds the speaker.  

Then follows the ‘debate’!

Bible ‘contradictions’ usually concern different ideas or approaches.  When Daniel prayed in front of open windows.  He was not condemned.  Yet Jesus says,  …when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen… Matthew 66   How can Jesus say one thing, and a great Bible hero get away with doing more or less the opposite.

What was Daniel doing?  His windows were open towards Jerusalem to remind him of God’s holy temple there - the centre of his faith.  As an exile in Babylon, Daniel remained faithful to God – praying quietly in his own place.  

Jesus’ comments concern not making a fuss and show of personal prayer.  Not everybody has their own room with a door to close.  But they may still pray – privately.

This apparent contradiction  is no contradiction at all.  That’s the way it is with God’s Word.  Maybe it’s the way we read it.  How do you think of the Bible?  As a dusty old tome,  as an out of date rule book,  as a communication from someone who loves you – enough to die for you – so worth fathoming?

Rev Richard Martin .....................................................................................Monday, 08 July 2002

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