March 2000
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WEB-SITE RELEASE – March 2000 from


Rev Richard MARTIN - Minister

March Is Quite A Month!


Our parents told my brother and me that they’d planned for us to be born in March because that is when nature comes to life after its winter sleep! Well, despite the wintry cold and the winds we are still experiencing here, Spring is showing many signs of new life around us.


On 1st March 1900 something very special was born in Maybole. Under the presidency of Mr Thomas Ramsay a small group of men and women met to form Maybole Baptist Church and agree its constitution. Their declared purpose was to promote "more definite, aggressive evangelistic effort" in the town.


At a service to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of that event, on March 1st this year, the minister, Rev Richard Martin, said, "Like Thomas Ramsay, the first Pastor, today’s members still love the words of Jesus:

For God so loved the world that He gave His one & only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

He added, "When Jesus says God loves the world, that includes the whole of Maybole today. world, that includes the whole of Maybole today." He called on church members to recommit themselves to definite, aggressive evangelism.


incidentally, what do YOU make of these words

(from the Gospel of St John chapter 3 verse 16)?

For God so loved the world that He gave

His one & only son, that whoever believes in Him

should not perish but have eternal life.

Did you realise that they apply to YOU too?


We may be contacted:

Rev Richard Martin -


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