May 2004
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A Great Baptising Service


We recently had a great baptising service in the church.

Like many others churches our pulpit has a central position at the front, emphasising the prominence we believe should be given to

God’s proclaimed Word.

In front of the pulpit is the baptismal pool, covered by a platform.


            The pool is only opened when we are to baptise one or more Christian believers.  The candidates for baptism will have reached a point in life where they have received Jesus as their personal Saviour.  Now they want to follow His example and obey His instruction to be baptised.


            During the service candidates testifies of how they came to know their need of salvation from sin, how they asked God for forgiveness in Jesus name and how Jesus came into their life.  Each makes a brief statement of faith and then goes down into the pool where the minister and a deacon lowers them completely beneath the water and raises them again – and the church bursts into song.


Paul asks, don’t you know that     Romans 63

...all of us who were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into his death

...and he goes on      Romans 64

We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death

in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead...we too may live a new life.


            Baptism is a symbol of obedience to Jesus, the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual transaction already taken place.  For the Christian, going under the water symbolises death to sin and burial of the past; coming up out of the water shows the Christian’s resurrection to new life in Jesus Christ.


            Around the world, baptisms are celebrated in all but freezing rivers and equatorial streams, at the seaside and in swimming pools, as well as church pools; just about anywhere it’s convenient. For the person being baptised it is a wonderful, thrilling experience – a moment to be cherished – even people who fear going underwater testify to their joy at being baptised.  Most of us remember the occasion for the rest of our lives.


            But unless the person being baptised has been born again the activity is meaningless.  Baptism itself does nothing; it cannot change an unchanged individual or give a person special blessing.


The significance of baptism lies entirely in already having recognised

your need of salvation from sin, having asked God’s forgiveness

and invited the Lord Jesus into your life.

That’s The Beginning Of Real Life!


Do contact us if you want to talk more about this

Rev Richard Martin                                                                         Monday, 26 April 2004


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