October 2000
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October - 2000 WEB-SITE RELEASE from


Rev Richard MARTIN - Minister

Did You Hear That?

I heard this from the pastor who had a church in the Hebrides.

One evening, he went with his elder, to preach in another church. After the service, the two men were asked to supper, by a crofter, before setting out for home. It was already raining, but they happily accepted.

After they had eaten around the glowing peat fire, the elder asked their host to take down his violin and play. The wind was now blowing fiercely and rain beating against the tiny windows of the croft - but the their gusty hymn singing all but drowned the noise of the storm, outside.

Did you hear that? asked the crofter, laying down his violin.

Aye, it's a fair hurricane replied the pastor. No, but did you hear it?

Pulling on boots and a waterproof coat and bonnet, the crofter set out into the storm, saying he'd be about twenty minutes. An hour and a half later he returned, dripping streams of water as he closed the door behind him. With coat and hat and boots removed he came to the fire and unbuttoned his jacket. Taking out a muddy lamb, he laid it in the heat.

Above the singing and the furious storm the crofter heard the cries of this poor creature abandoned by its mother to die in a bog.

So our Lord hears our cries to Him;

Jeremiah was told to declare: (chap. 33 vs.3) Call to me & I will answer you

And Jesus said (John 14:14):

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

What about it? Have you ever asked?


Please feel free to contact the Minister on Rma7734041@AOL.com & telephone: (UK) 01655 88 22 05