List of Subscriptions to Stained Glass Window Fund 1899
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(Transcription by Rich Pettit)
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(see page images above for subscription amounts)

No. 1 District - Messrs R. M'Creath and J. Dunlop

Isabella Dunlop, Thornbrock

Jane Dunlop. Do

Robert M’Creath, Auchenwin

Hugh Bryce, Ballony

No. 2 District - Messrs A. Hannah, J. Duncan, and T. Herron.

James Wright, Bogside

John Reid, Castlehill

Miss Herron, Trees

Thomas Herron, Trees

John M‘Culloch, Fordhouse

Adam Hannah, Humeston

Gilbert M’Culloch, Trees

John M’Creath, West Enoch

David Hart, Trees

Robert Duncan, Knoweside

John Duncan, Castlehill

John Campbell, do.

Robert Campbell, do.

Margaret White, DeIcombe

Joan Kerr, do

Hugh Lindsay

No. 3 District ---Messrs J.Porteous

W. Bonthrone, and J.Henderson

Bella Bryce and Thomas Bryce, Kirklandhill

John Barclay, St Murray

William Barclay, West Brockloch

James Cook, Mid Brockloch

William Linton, Glenalmond

Thomas Muir, Howe Moor

William Morris, Low Brockloch

John Hannah, High Grange

James M’Millan, Brockloch

Robert M’MiIIan, do

Alexander M’Math, Kirklandhill

Robert M ‘Cutcheon, St. Murray Cottage

John Shaw, Garryhorn

Peter Campbell, Slateford

Mrs Wilson and Matthew Wilson, Gardenrose

Mrs Henderson & James Henderson, High Milton

Hugh Burns, High Grange

J. M’Quaker and Mrs M'Quaker, Meadownay

No. 4 District - Messrs John Clark and James Hillhouse

John Baird, Breek

James Wyllie, Kewnstone

Willam Wyllie, Low Pinmore

William Wyllie, Midton of Monkwood

John Harvey, Monkwood

Jessie Wilson, Knockdon

Charles Thom, Minishant

Gilbert Muir, Knockdon

John Limond Monkwood

William M'Clure, Grange Cottage

Andrew Kay, Sauchrie

James Hilllhouse, Beoch

Rachel Murray, Sanchrie

William Highet, Grange

David Carruthers, Sauchrie

John Clark, Minishant

Mrs Gilbert Craig. Minishant

Mrs. Jeanie Boyd, CuIroy

District No. 5 & 6

Niven, Sen., and Wm. Niven, Jr.

George Anderson, Laigh Smithston

Charles Anderson, Laigh Smithston

Adam Bryce, High Smithston

Robert Woodburn, Cassillis Station

William Niven, Nether Cullean

William Niven, Jr., do.

Misses Niven, do.

John Paterson, Lyonston

James Paterson, do.

Andrew Dunlop, do.

James Docherty, Mossend.

Matthew Davidson, SunnySide

James Caven, Low Milton

WilIiam Hutchison, Sunnyside

No. 7 District Messrs R.M. Nisbet and J. Reid

Philippa Bell, Crosshill

Mrs Reid. Attiquin

James Reid, do.

James Weir, Crosshill

Williain M'Cubbin, Lochlands

Robert Milroy, Attiquin

John Milroy

James Mitchell, LochIand

Thomas Houston, Lochhrae

Andrew Criag, Tunnoch

William Muir, Littleton

No.8 District - Messrs Hugh M'Fadzean

H.B. Gray, and A. Hunter

Mrs. and Mrs Aird, Duncanland

Robert Wotherspoon, Duncanland

Thomas H. Scott, do.

Robert M. Nibbet,

Misses Austin, Barns Trrrace

William Allan, do.

William Austin, do.

David Galloway,

Robert Tocher,

Mary Brannan, Redbrae

John M’Cutcheon, Redbrae

John Harvey, do.

Mrs W. Reid, Park View

John Reid, do.

William Oliver, do.

J.Nicol, Park Terrace

Alexander Miller, do.

James Crawford, do.

Alexander M’Coln, Redbrae House

No. 9. District - Messrs Hugh M'Quiston and David Anderson

John Anderson, Cassillis Road

Jane Anderson, do.

Major Bone, do.

Gilbert Brackenridge, do.

James Brackenridge, do.

William Reid, do.

Thomas Hunter, do.

A Friend, do.

Rev. Dr Porter, The Manse

Mrs Thomas Jack, CassiIlis Road

John Gilmour, do.

Peter A. M ‘Connell, do.

Hugh M‘Coid, do.

Alexander Murray, do.

Mrs Alfred Jack, do.

Hugh M’Quiston, do.

William Dunlop, do.

James Baird, Carrick Place

Oliver Baird, Carrick Place

John Rankine, Kirklands Street

Mrs A. Rankine, do.

Miss M’Whirter, do.

Thomas Rutherford, do.

Jeanie Wilson, do.

Robert Gray, do.

Miss A. Livingstone, do.

Hugh B. Gray, Kirklands Street

Robert M’Kinstray, do.

Hugh M ‘Fadzean, do.

John M’Quilton, do.

Thomas Edgar, do.

Archibald Connell, do.

Jacobina Blain, do.

David Stewart, do.

William Brown, Kirklands Street

Donald Watson, Gladstone Place

Andrew M ‘Murtrie, St. Cuthbert’s Terrace

Mrs D. Waugh, do.

Hugh M’Turk, School Vennel

William Welsh, Kirklands Street

No. 10 District—Mr Thomas Smith and Mr. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Thomas Smith, The Castle

Thomas Smith, Jr., do.

E. W. and Mrs Auderton, High Street

Archibald Blair, do.

William Baird, do.

Miss Baird, (Lower) do.

Miss Baird, (Upper) do.

William Battison, do.

William Bonthrone, do.

Mrs Thom, do.

James Baird, do.

John Thomson, do.

Misses M‘Crindle, do.

Mrs. M’Cubbin, do.

John M ‘Cubbin, do.

John M ‘Quiston, do.

David MCormick, do.

George H. D. Neaves, do.

William M’Creath, do.

Dr Inglis, do.

James Murray, do.

No. 11 and 13 Districts - Messrs John Cameron

Wm. Gray , and D. Maltman

Thomas Baird, Greenhead

James Chalmers, do.

Miss A. Rennie, do.

James Kennedy, Wellpark

Misses Rennie, do.

Alexander and Robert Maxwell, Cowanville

Andrew Lees, Oakbank

John Cameron, Greenlea

Archibald Lamont, Whitefaulds

Jane Wilson, do.

Mrs Reid, High Street

Peter Paterson, Whitehall

Mrs Maltman, do.

Mrs Johnstone, do.

Thomas Galbraith and Family, Whitehall

Mrs Guthrie, Whitehall

Misses Guthrie, do.

David M’Turk, do.

Mrs G. Miller and Family, Whitehall,

Miss M’Kail, do.

Robert Cook, do.

William M‘Culloch, do.

Hugh Caitens and Family, do.

James M’Quiston,

Sarah Dick, Whitehall

Andrew Miller, do.

James Gemmell, do.

Andrew Robb, Coral Hill

James S. Porteous, do.

Mrs M’Clymont, Hutchison Street

Annie Roberts, do.

Archibald Irvine, Coral Glen

Miss J. Ross, do.

John Briggs, Castle Street

William Rodger, do.

David Watson, do.

William M'Millan, Castle Street

Miss Martha Neilson, do.

Misses Knox, do.

A Friend, per Dr Porter

Mrs. H. Allan, Greenock

W. J. Rennie, do.

T. J. Rennie, Glasgow

District No 12 Messrs, John Gilmour

Thomas M'Quiston

Charles Aird, Ladyland Road

Catherine S. Bell, do.

Mrs M. Young, do.

Samuel Wilson, do.

David Rodger, do.

Lizzie Wilson, do.

John Young, do.

Samuel M’Iver, do.

A. Lamberton, do.

James Fulton, do.

William Love, do.

Annie M’Turk, do.

William Lamberton do.

James Lamberton, do.

Thomas M'Quiston, Kirkosward Road

Edward Maltman, do.

David Holland, do.

Thomas Sloan, do.

Hugh Dick, do.

Mrs. Sandilands, do.

James M ‘Culloch, do.

William Wilson, Greenside

Miss Dunning, School Vennel

Brackenridge, do.

Mrs. R Brackenridge, do.

Mrs. Kennedy and Family

Peter Smith, do.

Mrs. M’Lean, do.

No. 14 District -Messrs Archd.Blair and Thomas Edgar

William Connelly, Drumellan Street

Catherine Campbell, do.

James Strachan, do.

David Strachan, do.

James M’Kie, do.

Robert Miller, do
Misses Strachan, do.
Mrs Linton, Kirkwynd,
Mrs W. Riggans, do.
Hugh Gray, do.
William Irvine, Kirkport
Mrs Dunbar, do.
Eliza Thom, Old College Lane
No. 15 District - William M'Creath.
Mrs William Agnew, Welltrees Street
Isa Hindmarsh, do.
Mrs Stevenson, do.
Mrs Marshall, John Knox Street

Minnie Jamieson, Weaver Vennel

Janet Colvin, do.
William Colvin, do.
William Graham, John Knox Street
William Johnstone, do.
William Graham, Jun., do.


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