Greetings from Maybole Council of Churches"...I bring you news of great joy...
a saviour has been born for us...
he is Christ the Lord.Text Box: Luke 2:10-12
Text Box: May we take this opportunity to wish you every blessing for this holy season and peace and love for the new year of 2004.

May the birth of Jesus bring hope to your hearts and homes and may he be born afresh in our troubled world.

Please feel free to join us for our Christmas and New Year Services-we assure you of a warm welcome. Indeed please worship with us any Sunday.

In the course of the year take care of yourselves and walk with Christ the Saviour of the world. Only he can bring us peace and love that lasts for eternity.

Jesus is the reason for the season. Rejoice the Lord is near, do not be afraid.

God bless you one and all.

		Your friends at Maybole Council of Churches