Thank You Canon
Sunday 2nd April we gathered for lunch in the hall after the service
to say "Thank You" to Revd Canon Dr Bertie Collie for his many years
of faithful service to St Oswald’s. Bertie has retired from taking services
regularly, although he will still take part from time to time – e.g. holiday
Over the last 37
years or so, Bertie has been an ever present face at St Oswald’s, and he has
done so much in so many different ways. He moved to Maybole in 1963, and
recalled the first time he worshipped in St Oswald’s. The service was matins
and there was a congregation of six. After the service everyone nodded politely
and went home – he was pleased to say we have come a long way since then!
Bertie became a Lay
Reader in 1964. He was first voted on to the Vestry in 1965 and became Honorary
Secretary in 1967 – a post he held until his ordination in 1977. During this
time he was a driving force in the building of the hall which was dedicated in
1973, helping with the fund-raising and many practical arrangements.
While he lived at
"Hillside" Bertie did so many "behind the scenes" practical
jobs for us. He put the heating on and set up the church every week, gave
tradesmen access when required, opened the hall for groups – to mention but a
few. He willingly offered his home as a comfortable and hospitable venue for
meetings – members of the Vestry, past and present, have happy memories of
meetings there followed by tea and delicious cakes.
It would be
impossible to mention everything Bertie has done at St Oswald’s over the
years, but we all wanted to say "thank you". As a token of our
appreciation Molly Brown presented Bertie with a book, which had been signed by
members of the congregation.
A Team United
Service to mark Bertie’s retirement will be held on Sunday 11th June –
Pentecost – at 10.30am in Holy Trinity, Ayr. This will be followed by either a
barbecue or lunch in the hall, depending on the weather. |