Revd Chris Lyon On Thursday 27th January 2000 Revd Chris Lyon, LLB, BD, was instituted Team Rector of the South Ayrshire Team at Holy Trinity Church, Ayr. Promptly at 7pm Canon Collie began the proceedings by welcoming everyone who had gathered in for the service. There was a large congregation: in addition to the many members from our three team churches present we were joined by a number from St John's Greenock - our new Rector's last charge. There were clergy representatives from around the Diocese and from other local churches. Members from a number of community organisations also came to support us. The service was conducted by our Bishop, the Rt Revd Dr Idris Jones. Lessons were read by Revd David Gemmell from Ayr Auld Kirk and Very Revd Canon Eugene Matthews from the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Girvan. Singing was ably led by the choirs from Holy Trinity, Ayr and St John's, Greenock. Revd Canon Brian Hardy, our guest preacher, an Honorary Canon at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, spoke to us about wisdom and teaching, drawing together the three readings from Job 28.12-15 & 20-28, 1 Corinthians 1.18-31 and John 1.29-39. He concluded by reminding us of the words of St Paul, "Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." Our new Rector was presented to the Bishop by our three Lay Representatives and members from all three congregations presented him with various articles. Danny Ball from St Oswald's presented a stole and Jessie Vint from St John's presented oil. The presentations were made between the verses of a new hymn written by Jean Holloway, our Primus' wife. The crowds in church seemed to become a multitude as we elbowed our way to the many goodies spread out in the hall afterwards. "A serious bun-fight" is how Chris Lyon himself described it from his somewhat precarious position on a hall chair while giving a personal vote of thanks to the many different people who had helped and made him feel so welcome. Welcome to the South Ayrshire Team Chris! We at St John's and St Oswald's look forward to your ministry among us and having the opportunity to work with you on the many tasks which surely lie ahead. |