Maybole Old Age Pensioners Association
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TRIPS started many years ago by William 'Bye' McCulloch may have been the start of something we know today as Maybole Old Age Pensioners Association. These trips were run by him for the old men of the town (where were the Women's Libbers). Later on it was taken up by a few interested people who wanted to do more for the pensioners.

The first committee was formed around the mid-30's and included such people as John Brennan, Jimmy Milroy, Bobby Kenny, John Dunlop, Helen Darroch, Lizzie McCreath, Lizzie Dunn and Rose Wilson. Bobby Kenny being the first Chairman. I am told by people around at that time (I'm just a young yin!) that after the first trip there was ten pence left in the funds, that's four new pence for the younger readers. Treats also became a feature of this committee with entertainment being provided and meals being served with everyone attending receiving a ten bob note. The money to start such an association came from funds left by the I.L.P. and a donation from a Mr John Campbell (Carrick Picture House), the Co-operative were also of considerable help in those early days.

The list of Past Chairmen of the Association runs like a Maybole's Who's Who. I'm sure you remember names like Bobby Kenny, Jimmy Milroy, John Dunlop, Helen Darroch, Agnes Paul, Molly Brennan and Willie Cuthbert -two ex-Provosts there, I wonder what other associations can claim that.

In recent years trips to places like Moffat, Dumfries and Helensburgh have become a regular day out, also visits to the Gaiety with a meal or snack afterwards have become a popular part of the Association's activities. For people unable to attend these functions hampers are delivered to the homebound.

It is hoped to continue these activities and through the generosity of the Maybole people who have contributed donations to the Association and I hope will continue to do so, I am sure these activities will go on.

May I take this opportunity to thank all the people, past and present, who have helped in any way to make this Association a success and if anyone reading this article feels they would like to help, please contact any Committee Member or me personally.

Chairman: Mr William Cuthbert. Treasurer: Mrs K. Cuthbert. Secre-tary: Mr Dennis McCaffery. Committee: Mr and Mrs J. Cannon, Mrs Peggy Kilpatrick, Mr Duncan Cron, Mrs W. Thompson, Mrs McDowall, Mrs I. Russell.