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Some delighted children at one of the children's shows organised by Kyle and Carrick District Council in the Town Hall during the school holidays.


IT IS APPROPRIATE that such an historic landmark as the Town Hall should provide so much enjoyment for the people of Maybole. The Town Hall has been the civic centre of Maybole for over 100 years and it as busy now as it ever was, with an impressive variety of activities going on all the Some delighted children at one of the children's shows organised by Kyle and Carrick District Council in the Town Hall during the school holidays time. 

In addition to being the meeting place for a number of local organisations, the town Hail provides for all kinds of special events. Dinner dances are a favourite, wedding parties another, but the full list would include discos, children's shows, exhibitions, jumble sales, coffee mornings, dog shows, fashion shows, film shows and many other uses

"Craftsmen in Residence" - that was the title of a very interesting project organised in Maybole during the summer. It was made more interesting in that the craftsmen were, in fact, two attractive young ladies. The project was sponsored by the Scottish Tourist Board and the girls, Grace King from Cumbernauld and Margaret Henderson from Greenock, set up a mini printing works in the Lesser Town Hall. They had just finished their studies at Glasgow School of Art and were taking this chance of showing the public how to etch, print draw, etc.

Craftsmen are in residence at the Hall in summer to promote tourism, this summer two craftswomen demonstrated the skills involved in printing. The Blood Transfusion Service base themselves at the Hall periodically to meet blood donors in the town. The Accident Prevention Committee are planning a big exhibition on safety which will take place at the Town Hall in October.

It can be seen that the Town Hall, which has given such good service to the community in past years, is maintaining its position as an essential part of Maybole town life.