The Social Work Department
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THIS Department is housed in the Old Police Station in the Whitehall, Maybole (Tel. 83293). It is run by trained Social Workers employed by the Regional Council and incorporates the Children's Department, the Welfare Department, the Probation Department and the Mental Health Department under one roof.

Among its many tasks are to provide Social Work Service for the mentally handicapped, the deaf, the blind and the physically handicapped. It administers the Home Help Service and helps in the care of the elderly. It deals with problem families, including helping them to solve matrimonial and financial problems.

There is, at present. a great minders in the area and this department is deeply involved in attempting to find new people to fill these roles. As well as this the Social Work Department is involved in providing care for needy children and finding adoptive parents. The Social Worker is involved in the supervision of prisoners released on parole and on people who are placed on probation. The Department maintains strong liaison with the Police, with the Community Doctors and schools and has many persons referred to them by these individuals. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. We are indeed fortunate to have a department whose function is to look after the needs of the less fortunate. The Senior Social Worker within whose area Maybole falls is Miss T. Kerr.