Carrick Speakers' Social Club
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Back row (left to right) - W. McCulloch, J. Lawrie, C. McCulloch, D. McCulloch, J. Clark, A. Lucas; front - Mrs N. Fleming, Mrs S. McEwan,

CARRICK Speakers' Social Club opened in June 1975. It occupies the former Co-operative Hardware premises in Whitehall. The Social Club was the brain-child of the present Convener, T. Cook. It is unique in that it is the only Speakers' Social Club in the U.K. Initially the Club committee consisted entirely of Speakers' Club members. Of the present Committee four out of the 10 are Speakers' Club members. 

The club membership stands at approximately 600 at this time. The founding of the club was made possible by the co-operation of the original members and numerous others who helped by providing voluntary labour in the alterations to the premises and also by financial aid in the form of interest free loans. 

This present year has been marred by the untimely death of the club's Secretary since its inception, Dick Curran. Dick was a founder member of the Toastmasters, which was later to become the Speakers' Club in Maybole. His death on 3rd April was a personal loss to the club and all who knew him. The club also this year lost the services of their Treasurer, Charlie McCulloch, without whose invaluable assistance the club might never have been. Charlie retired as Manager of the Bank of Scotland and has moved to Coylton. The club wish him well. 

The club premises cater for many and varied activities during both summer and winter. They include carpet bowls, bridge, pool, darts, dominoes, sequence dancing and the Speakers' Club. There is also an angling club which, of course, operates outwith the premises. 

The anniversary of the club is marked each year by an annual dance and presentation of prizes for the various competitions held during the year. This year Mr and Mrs Charlie McCulloch made a welcome return to present the prizes to the following winners - Ladies: Bowls - 1, Miss Nellie Paterson; 2, Mrs Stella McEwan. Dominoes - 1, Mrs Nancy Fleming; 2, Mrs Nessie Connelly. Men: Bowls - 1, J. Lawrie; 2, M. McDermott. Pool - 1, A. Lucas; 2, D. McBride. Dominoes - 1, 5. Campbell; 2, W. McCulloch. Darts - 1, D. McCulloch; 2, A. Lucas. Sportsman of the Year - J. Clark.