Summer Gala |
By far the largest event which the Community Association is involved in is, of course, the Summer Gala of which the Queen of Carrick is only one albeit the main event. Cairn School quiz teem winners of the primary school quiz Other events held this year included a Quiz Night, organised by the Com-munity Association, a Family Scottish Night organised by the 7th Ayrshire (Maybole) Scouts and Boys Five-a-Side organised by the Carrick Colts Boys Club. As well as this Triangle Disco held a disco in the Town Hall and the West Parish Badminton Club organised a Car Treasure Hunt. Carrick Rugby Club were the organisers of the Tug-o-War and Maybole Girl Guides organised the Girls Net-ball. The District Council and the Community Education Service put on a very interesting play by Borderline Theatre Company called "Wee Shug and the Space Bug" which was enjoyed by all the young people who attended and Maybole Dead End Club organised two films and discos, the Youth Club also organised a Pop Dance with a live band. Other events included the Open Bowling Competition, organised by the Memorial Park Bowling Club, the Cabaret Dance organised by Maybole Juniors, Kids Film Shows, Childrens Sports and, of course, the Maybole Open Golf Championship. The final event of the Gala was organised by Carrick Rugby Club and was, of course, the ever popular Kildoon Hill Race. At the Gala Fete organised at the Glebe Park over 20 organisations took part by organising a stall or some other entertainment which enabled people to have an enjoyable afternoon and the organisations to raise funds. Once again the parade down Maybole High Street, prior to the Gala Fete, was led by the Queen of Carrick, and thanks are due to all organisations who took part, the three Brownie Companies; the Summer Playscheme; two newcomers to the Gala Parade, Carrick Rugby Club and Girvan Round Table; Maybole Youth Club; the Swimming, Canoe and Life Saving Clubs; Maybole Pipe Band; the S.N.P and Maybole Fire Brigade. 2nd and 3rd Maybole Brownies pictured on their winning float The winners of the best float prize were the 2nd and 3rd Maybole Brownies, who kindly donated their prize money towards the Cancer Research Fund. During the months of August and September the Community Association stood down for a well earned rest, but even during that period they had to begin to plan the events over the coming months, the prelims for the Alginate Games; Pub Quiz; a Sport for All Week; finishing at the end of the year with the Christmas Bazaar and Santa's Grotto. And then once again in the new year the whole programme of events takes off again. Maybole Community Association exists only through the work of leaders, secretaries, chairmen of all the clubs in Maybole who give of their time to see the Community Association, as a body, keeps going and to organise joint efforts between the many and varied community groups and voluntary bodies in Maybole. Chairman - Mr Roy Robb, 15 Miller Terrace, Maybole, Tel. 82016. Vice-chairman, Mr David Kiltie, 5 Crosshill Road, Maybole, Tel. 82644. Secretary, Mrs Robina Speirs, 90 Dailly Road, Maybole, Tel. 82875. Treasurer, Mrs Elizabeth Kerrigan, 3 Ashgrove House, Maybole, Tel. 83085. |