The Maybole Pipe Band. 1946. Tom Cook is the third
from the left.
He finished by reading Tom’s favourite Burns poem “Ae
fond kiss”. Club secretary Bill McCubbin added his
tribute, saying how much the Club and the town owe to
Tom for his foresight in providing the facility for the
people of Maybole over the past 38 years.
Describing Tom’s character he identified his
determination and his ability to persuade others which
led to the Club being created.
“These premises have served the town so well,” he added.
“The Club has been the source of employment for many of
our young people in their university years and others
who were in need of a part time job. “It has been the
base for his beloved pipe band, the golf club and
recently the Carrick Rugby Club. However its most
important function has been as a social centre for
friends to meet and enjoy good company. “In his days as
Convener, Tom revelled in organising St Andrew’s nights,
Burns Suppers and, of course, Hogmanay with the full
involvement of the Pipe Band.
“The Club has also played host to guests from overseas
with Maybole’s European connections through the town
twinning and ex patriot Maybolians returning home to
visit old friends and to make new ones here. “Tom was a
Maybole man through and through and it can truly be said
of Tom that he has left his mark in our wee toon. “Our
thoughts are with Angus, Ann, Lindsay and Alison.” In
2007, Tom was the first winner of the Matt Dunnachie
Award (photo above) which is presented annually for services to the
community. He will be sadly missed. |