Two Boys and Baby Carriage - Who are they?
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"This is indeed me with my 2 younger brothers Charles (Chic) standing and Michael in the pram. The year would be approx 1956-57.We are standing at the door of our house at that time, on Culzean Road. The house is still there, before the entrance to Crosne St." Jim McDermott

Photo contributed by Bryce McQuiston

Where in Maybole was this picture taken, and would anyone know who the children are? It looks like the 1950s. The doorway and window at the bottom of a street, may provide a clue although it is doubtful the building is still like this. It could be School Vennal before it was done up, or down at the Ailsa Picture House. Maybe someone will recognise the children, the time and the place.  Contributed by Isobel Seymour. Contact us at if you have information on this picture.