Organisations in Maybole
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Please note the list below is several years old and some of the information may be out-of-date


Maybole Parish Church Guild, Mrs S Chapman. 889656; Baptist Church Women’s Fellowship, Ms Anne McPike. 882467; Maybole & District Trefoil Guild, Miss E McCrindle. 882212; Maybole Ecumenical Prayer Group, Mrs E Hawkes. 882747; Our Lady & St Cuthberts Guild, Mrs N Connolly. 882656; St Cuthberts Parish Council (Sec), Mrs Hamilton. 883408; Maybole Council of Churches, Ms Becky Fleming. 882106.



 MMP Bowling Club, Mr C Kincaid. 882968; Pontoon Golf, Mr W Westcott. 889598; Maybole Ladies Golf Club, Mrs H McCormack. 01292 560952; Maybole Bowling Club, Mr J Conkie. 882169; Carrick Homing Society, Mr Robert Malone. 882006; Maybole Angling Club, Ms I Davidson. 07779818311; Carrick Chess Club, Mrs S Macgilchrist. 882728, Maybole Juniors, Mr A Meek. 883419. Carrick Bridge Club, Mrs Ann Morrison. 883197; Maybole Indoor Bowls Club, Ms S Scobie. 882942; Tackety Bit Hillwalking Club, Mr Drew Mc Gill. 882407; Maybole Amateur Swimming Club, Mrs M McGawn. 883423; Carrick Rugby Club, Mr K Anderson. 882105; Maybole Amateur Football Club, Mr G Cuthbert. 882945.



 Line Dancing, Ms Anne McDicken. 01655 883862; Aqua Aerobics, Mr P Ingram. 882568; Karate Club, Mr Rooney. 01292 552756; Maybole Majorette & Dance School, Mrs A Bissett. 882872; Carrick Stompers(Line Dancing), Mrs J. Thomson. 883086; Maybole Men’s Forum, Mr J Paterson. 882137; Maybole Ladies Forum, Ms S Fergusson. 882660.



 Over The Rainbow Project, Mr John Barr. 883971.



 Historical Society, Mr M Cook. 883235; Town Twinning, Mr W Grant. 883312; Ayrloom, Mr D Killicoat. 07776 445033; Maybole Pipe Band, Mrs Julie Fulton. 01292 440423; Maybole Concert Party, Mrs M Hutchison. 882469; Maybole & District Business Ass., Mr Alan Martin. 884388.



 Maybole Mums & Toddler Group, Ms T McPherson. 882515; Tiny Tots Playgroup, Tracy Campbell; Gardenrose PrimarySchool/Nursery, Mrs Scott. 883227



 Cairn Primary Parents Assoc., Ms Alison Davidson. (Tel, Contact School); Cairn Primary School Board, Mrs J Wallace. (Tel, Contact School); Cairn Primary School/Nursery, Mrs Fiona McDougall. 883292; Carrick Academy, Mr R Stewart. 882389; Carrick Academy School Board, Ms C Czerkowska. (Tel, Contact School); Gardenrose Parents Ass., Ms Becky Fleming. 882106; Gardenrose PrimarySchool Board, Mrs S Whiteman. 889456; St Cuthbert’s Parents Association, Mrs Frances Campbell. 882349; St Cuthbert’s Primary School, 882349; St Cuthbert’s Primary School Board, Mr G Murphy. 882349.



 Maybole O.I.R., Mrs M Barton. 883218; O.A.P. Maybole, Mrs M Barton. 883218; Crosshill Village Club, Mrs B White. 01655 740391; North Carrick Elderly Forum, Mrs J Steele. 883088; Diamond Club, Mrs M Barton. 883218; The Cabin, Mrs N Robertson. 883937; Senior Citizens Tuesday Club, Mrs E McEwan. 883131.



 Maybole Charity Shop, Mrs E McEwan. 883131; Royal British Legion Women’s Section, Mrs J Rodger. 882843; Royal British Legion Scotland, Mr R Malone. 882006; Maybole South Residents & Tenants, Mr R Wilson. 883422; Maybole Community Council, Mrs AWalker. 882796; Maybole Community Association, Mr D Killicoat. 07776445023; Carrick Crime Prevention, Mr Alex Kelly. 882970; Carrick Round Table, Mr Alan Thom. 01655 750226; Maybole& Girvan Action Research, Ms S Erskin. 01655 740218.



 Maybole After School Care, Miss B Gillespie. 07754695570.



 Maybole Youth Action Group, Mrs S Whiteman. 889456; Carrick Street Kids, Mrs Moira Gill. 883238; Maybole Youth Club, Ms Yvonne Kiltie. 882105; The Carrick Colts, Mr T Dempsey. 882726; Maybole Beavers, Mrs J Boughen. 882683; 1st Maybole Boys Brigade, Mr J Shields. 882662; 1st Maybole Brownies, Ms S Fergusson. 882660; Maybole Cubs, Mrs J Boughen. 882683; 1st Maybole Guides, 7th Ayrshire Scout Group, Mr L Boughen. 882683.