On Tuesday the 5th February 2002
Maybole Pipe Band
and 2 members of Aileen Robertson's School of Dance traveled to the
city of Agrigento in Sicily to represent Scotland in an
International Folklore Festival. The trip lasted a week and during
the period they performed in street parades open air concerts and on
stage within theatres in the district.
This is the start of an exciting
year for the band but you could be forgiven for thinking that we always
have an exciting time? Due to a clash of dates we had to abandon our
annual trip to Koblenz in Germany for the Rhineland carnivals, our German
hosts were very supportive and understanding in this and felt the
opportunity to extend our popularity was important. This disappointment
was recovered with an invite to the area to play for a surprise occasion,
due to the popularity of the Internet we would rather not disclose the
exact details.
We have also been invited to
represent Scotland in the Interceltic
Festival in Northern Spain. This event will take place over 10 days in
July and August and it is hoped that will we will again team up with the
Dance group and perform in the largest Celtic Festival in Spain. The
festival is attended by groups and Bands from Scotland, Ireland, Wales,
Great Britain, Brittany, Asturias and Galicia to name a few. This will be
a new destination for the Band and it is seen that the popularity of the
band is recognised on a wider scale than previously thought. During the
year though we will still be leading the Gala Days and entertaining the
tourists in our local area as well as playing at events such as weddings,
corporate entertainment, parades and various other functions that seek the
bands attendance.
Over the years
the Band has grown from strength to strength.
This can be measured with the increase in performances that we commit too
and the encouragement that the existing band members get when after months
and years of practise new members achieve there goal, to play with the
band in a public performance.
Thankfully the increase in
membership helps to ensure that we can turn out a band when requested.
Looking at the figures the band has increased in membership by
approximately 30% and many of this increase comes from teenagers
encouraged by the bands activities home and abroad. Over the past few
years we have brought in 4 new pipers and 3 new drummers, all school age
on joining. This year we are expecting to bring in a further 2 pipers,
however, school is only a memory to these two. It takes a lot of time and
commitment to reach this stage but everyone who perseveres will tell you
of the enormous satisfaction that is gained. Time and commitment are the
only initial requirements to join the band, we have a group of tutors who
give there time and talents to teach but be warned, it is a long slow
progression. We meet in the Carrick
Sports Club on a Wednesday evening and the tuition starts at 7.30.
The increased popularity in Scottish
music and traditions has laid enormous pressure on the activities of the
band and in particular the expectations of the individual players to
attend as many functions as possible, over the years we have increased our
performances from around 20 per year to over 50 in the year 2000. This
represents a lot of evenings and weekends given up by the players and
there partners, but due to the friendly nature of the group the
gratification from our audiences and the public at large, not to mention
the understanding of our partners makes it all very much worthwhile.
This is the great thing about the
Band, the differing age groups and the common willingness and motivation
to take our music nationally and internationally to represent a small town
in South West Scotland and our Country. New members always have that
feeling of pride and achievement when they first perform with the band and
it never really wanes, but the feelings of pride intensify when performing
in different nations. This is what the music does, it crosses boundaries
and forms relationships and understanding of one another. The Band is a
significant part to all our lives but it is never really difficult to
understand why it remains that way, we will always encourage people to
join and be encouraged to be asked to play, so if you feel encouraged by
our activities please, come along to find out more, or offer your support.
Our website can provide further information.
Bryce McCulloch
e-mail brycemcc@aol.com