Carrick Sports Club to Remain Open
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Update April 2014

Carrick Sports Club is definitely not closing down. That was decided at a recent Special General Meeting (SGM) of members. At the end of February the Club’s committee had called an SGM to consider a resolution to dissolve the Sports Club. Under the Club’s rules it needs a two thirds majority of the members present and eligible to vote for this resolution to be carried. Instead, members asked for a short time to see if the Club could be saved. An interim committee was set up and at the recalled SGM it was decided to keep the club open.

Brian Connolly has been elected as the new Convener and he said afterwards, “It would appear that rumours of the demise of the Carrick Sports Club were greatly exaggerated and the message from the new, fully represented committee is that the club has a bright future.” He added that for the first time in many years the committee is fully manned and has a broad range of experienced and credible members 

He continued, "Our first priority was to stabilise the finances of the Club and immediately look to improve the benefits we offer to members. “This will include a varied and viable programme of entertainment utilising both the smaller downstairs lounge and the upstairs suite.”

"This a great asset and increased community use is certainly one of our aims," the new Convener continued, saying that the Club has received a grant from the South Ayrshire Community Development Fund to examine a business model that would allow increased use of the facility.

He concluded, “The response from members and affiliated clubs has been very encouraging but growing the membership is essential for the sustainability of the facility.  Membership is now available in various categories ranging in price from £10 to£30.”

February 2014

Photo shows Tom Cook, left, with Jim Sillars MP at the opening of the Club in 1975It could soon be time to call “Last orders” for the very last time at Carrick Sports Club. The Club is one of one of Maybole’s best known assets but it looks set is set to close its doors after almost 40 years. Its Management Committee have given members notice of the annual general meeting which will be held on Wednesday February 26 at 8pm.


They have also given notice of the calling of a Special General Meeting of the Club membership to be held immediately after the AGM. In the letters calling the SGM, the Committee has put forward a resolution to dissolve Carrick Sports Club.  


Under the Club’s rules it needs a two thirds majority of the members present and eligible to vote for this resolution to be carried. If it is carried, the Management Committee will then have the power to sell the assets of the Club, pay all the debts and distribute any surplus amongst local organisations as directed by members at the SGM. No individual can derive any profit from the Club if it is dissolved and the Management Committee will ask members to adjourn the SGM which will be re-convened at a later date to decide on a scheme of division of any funds left.


In his letter to members telling them that “the Committee is recommending that the Club be wound up in the very near future”, Honorary Secretary Bill McCubbin commented, “Financially, we have been operating at a loss for some considerable time and it is not possible to continue under these circumstances.” He added, “Having been involved with the Club since the idea was first mooted over 40 years ago it is with much sadness that I have to agree to this course of action.”


The Club began as the  Carrick Speakers' Social Club in the year Maybole Town Council passed into the history books as Kyle and Carrick District Council and Strathclyde Regional Council took over local government. It certainly lasted longer than they did. The property had been bought in December 1974 and was officially opened by Jim Sillars MP on June 20, 1975. In December 1983 the upstairs function hall was added.


The late Tom Cook was Convener for the first 21 years and in June 1996 Alex Meek took over from him as convener along with Alan Cuthbert as vice convener. There have only been four full time stewards since the Club started - John Fergusson, Jackie Dewar, Ian Hewitt and currently Willie Parker.


The name was changed to Carrick Sports Club to reflect the change in emphasis to activities and has been a base for Carrick Rugby Club, line dancing, Maybole Pipe Band, bingo, bowling, golf, snooker, pool and table tennis. How many people remember that the Club once had a choir and a sea angling club, boat and all? It also held St Andrew’s nights, Burns Suppers and memorable Hogmanay celebrations.


As well as providing enjoyment for local residents with the Saturday night dances, the Club has been the source of employment for many of the town’s young people in their university years and others who were in need of a part-time job. The Club has also played host to many visitors from overseas through Maybole’s town twinning connections and ex-pats returning home to visit old friends and to make new ones here.


Sadly, it all could be about to end.