Maybole Youth Club
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Kerry-Ann Campbell bravely tackles the climbing wallMAYBOLE Youth Club has restarted for the winter with two main weekly sessions in the community wing at Carrick Academy. Monday nights from 7 to 9.30pm are for young people from S3 upwards, and Wednesday nights from 6.30 to 9pm are for S1 and S2 year pupils. Activities include football, basketball, badminton, tennis, arts and crafts, table football, pool, board games, music, drama, quizzes, karaokes and, as they say, much, much more! There will also be special Sunday activity days, once a month starting on September 29,Wallclimbers get into protective gear before facing the incline to a sailing centre, the Magnum, a climbing centre and other places of interest. Members of the club enjoyed a five-week programme of activities such as sailing, climbing, fishing, horse riding and mountain biking during the summer holidays.  They took part in trips to Galloway Sailing Centre at Loch Ken, Glasgow Climbing Wall at Ibrox, the Shanter Riding School at Maidens, and Springwater Fisheries. They also benefited from a ‘drop in’ programme on Monday afternoons and Wednesday evenings when activities included treasure hunts, quizzes, karaokes, and barbecues. One young member reported: “The programme allowed us to go on adventure activities that we couldn’t afford normally.” The youth club was awarded £500 from Ayrshire and Arran Health Board. (from the Ayrshire Post September 13th 2002)

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