Carrick Academy Class of 1946 Reunion - 2003
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There was a reunion of the Carrick Academy Class of 1946  in the Carrick Lodge Hotel on the 24th of April 2003 and a visit to the school. A reunion after 56 years must almost qualify for the Guinness Book of records! Contact Herbert Kay for other details.  See also the previous reunion of 1992 and the class photo from 1946. Article below  from the Ayrshire Post  May 2nd 2003.

L to R Christine Burns (Cameron), Sadie Falconer (Campbell), Leslie Hunter, Hugh Crombie, Angus Douglas, Kees Watts, Alison Houston (Watts), Herbert Kay, Marion Boyd, John Campbell, Janet Steel, William Barclay, Margaret Bevan (Douglas).

Front row; L to R, Catherine Greenlaw, Janet Steel,George Davidson. 2nd.Herbert Kay, Christine Burns,James Andrew 3rd Hugh Crombie, Angus Douglas, Marion Boyd, 4th Norma McCombe,Margaret Dunabie,Alison Houston, 5th.Elma McWhirter, Leslie Hunter Back: John Campbell, William Barclay.

L to R Catherine Andrew, Hugh Crombie, Ellen Crombie, Rena Davidson Herbert Kay John Campbell, Sadie Campbell,. Morag Burns, George Davidson.

L to R May Dunabie, Mollie Barclay, William Barclay, Cath Greenlaw, Leslie Hunter, Elma McWhirter, Kees Watts, Alison Houston, James Andrew.

Norma McCombe, Margaret Bevan, Alistair Craik, Marion Boyd, Herbert Kay, Jean Kay, Christine Burns, Janet Steel, Angus Douglas.

Leslie Hunter points out that his name appeared on the list of Ramsay Medal winners in 1943 - 60 years ago. The medal was awarded to 3rd year Dux. Leslie went on to be a senior lecturer at Glasgow University and Jordanhill College.

The class of 1946. Full size with the names

Reunion of 1992 Full size with names

CARRICK Academy’s class of 1946 held a reunion at the Maybole school, followed by dinner at the Carrick Lodge Hotel in Ayr. A reunion after 57 years may not qualify for the Guinness Book of Records, but those taking part certainly had a great time! Janitor Ronnie Campbell showed the group round the school, and the classrooms rang with laughter as they recalled who sat where, who said what and who the teachers were in their era. Some classrooms are still used for the same subject as 60 years ago and there were claims that some desks were the same — especially in the science room! The visitors were also able to use a school computer to look at and see photographs of themselves and their teachers from 1946. Leslie Hunter was astonished to see his name in gold letters on the board of Ramsay Medal winners. This was his prize in 1943 for being the Dux in 3rd Year. Leslie later became a senior lecturer at Glasgow University and the city’s Jordanhill College. The reunion was organised by Dr Herbert Kay of Middlesborough, and it follows one in 1992 that was attended by 27. Sadly, nine of those present on that occasion have died, although for others this was their first reunion. It may also be the last, since the average age of the Class of 1946 is now 72/73. But it would be nice to think there might be another get-together a decade from now. Article from the Ayrshire Post  May 2nd 2003.