Carrick Academy Reunion - Classes of the Early 1960s
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From the Ayrshire Post September 20th 2002
[The Maybole website] has been successful in bringing some families and friends together. One example of that is the recent reunion of former pupils who were at Carrick Academy in the early 1960s. Dot Murchie, who now lives in Australia, had asked some months ago if anyone remembered her. A photograph of Dot and her classmates was found and put on the website, leading to the idea of them getting together. The site recently carried photographs of that reunion and they were then published on the Maybole site. This is Dot’s reaction to seeing them: "Just saw the pictures of the reunion and it brought a wee tear to my eye. “I wondered if you would pass on a message to them all for me, just to say how much I really regretted not being there, and how lovely it was to see them. “I am trying to place them all with the school photo, but a few I am having difficulties with. “Janey (Reid) will fill me in when she returns. Regards from Oz. Dot" "PS: I wonder if you could find out for me if Ruth Donachie has a emailaddress. I went to Dalrymple Primary School with her (sorry to be a pest)" You’re not being a pest, Dot; this is exactly what websites are about.

From the Ayrshire Post September 6th 2002
All our yesterdays: some of those who started ‘the big school’ together in the early 1960s AMAZING how the memories can flood back when you hear an old record. And even more startling when you’re sharing the experience with old school-mates. But first you have to recognise your old pals! And some former Carrick Academy pupils admitted they were struggling to identify each other at a reunion bash. More than 40 who were in junior classes in the early 1960s (born 1949-50) attended the Saturday night bash in Carrick Sports Club. The event was prompted by the return of Janie Reid from Australia to Maybole for a holiday. And some of her old pals organised the party. DJ David Kiltie had no difficulty providing music from an era that is practically his specialist subject. And he came up with classic songs to evoke the memories. The evening was so successful that a Christmas night out is now being planned by some of the organisers.
News for the week of September 6th 2002

Article appearing in the Ayrshire Post shortly before the reunion.
MAYBOLE website is about to reunite former pupils of Carrick Academy - including some who haven't seen each other since they left in 1965! Dot Murchie, who now lives in Australia, made contact last year, and a photo of her classmates later appeared on the site. This prompted talk among her old schoolmates, including fellow Aussie Janie Reid who is planning a visit to Maybole in August. And some of the ex-pupils who still live in Maybole are planning a reunion for Saturday, August 31. The date was set by a group of five who had a meeting. They are (maiden names seem best for this!) Phyllis McMichael, Eileen Kiltie, Marion Wilson, Senga McBride and Wilma McLanaghan. The 1965 leavers were born in 1949/50, and would like to hear from other former classmates. They have lost track of Carol Cowan, Ann Clark, June Barker, Jean Sands, Helen Drummond, Senga Barrie and Pat Colligan. These and other former classmates can contact Senga on (01655) 883057, Wilma on (01655) 889613 or Eileen on (01655) 882529.

 Other Carrick Academy Reunions:          Reunion September 2002       Class of 1995 

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