The following points provide a
snapshot of activities within the school.
S1/2 - one period per week - now to
cover both S1 and S2. Classes use PCs using the following applications; Keybytes
(combined practical/theory software), Appleworks and now we are in a position to
add in work on email and the internet.
A range of courses at standard
grade/higher still include the use of ICT -
Business Studies courses
(Administration, Accounting and Finance) use Word, Access, Excel, Powerpoint,
email and internet software packages as part of the curriculum
Computing courses use
Appleworks, Unicomal, MS Office, email and internet.
Tehcnical - use Autocad as
their base software for courses.
Almost all other departments
use ICT as part of their courses by using a range of CD roms to enhance
learning and teaching.
Further uses of ICT:
Guidance/Personal and Social
Education - use of PlanIt and Progress and other online careers web sites to
ensure that pupils are given as much information as possible when making
option choices.
Library - 10 computers - 5 PCs
on the network.
Other technologies such as
scanners, digital cameras, digital video, multimedia projectors are used by
a number of departments within the school.
Around 80 PCs are available
within the school for pupil use, a further 15 being used in administration.
Laptops are also available for whole school use.
PiSYS - monitoring, tracking
and reporting system has recently been set up within the school with a view
to this facility being added into SAC network.