Headlines From Mr Stewart We were all saddened by the news of the sudden death of George Sinclair our former Assistant Head Teacher. Many staff attended the funeral and service in Prestwick and our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time. The SQA examinations are now in full swing and I hope that all the hard work pupils and staff have put in are rewarded appropriately. A short time ago a rumour was spreading throughout the community that the school was dropping German. Can I take this opportunity to say that there is no truth to this rumour whatsoever. Pupils have been informed of this at registration and during assemblies. News has just arrived that Tricia Hunter will start with us on Monday as Librarian on a temporary capacity, until the end of June. Can I take the opportunity to thank all the parents who enquired about this post and in particular to Mrs Gamper and Mr Kelly, who volunteered their services to staff the library in the absence of the librarian. Mr Alexander our Principal Teacher of Physical Education has received his official retirement date as Wednesday 7 June. We would like to offer our thanks to Mr Alexander for all the years he has spent with us and all the hard work he has put into the school since joining us in 1972. Dr Woodland has completed her Acting Principal Teacher of Physics post at Queen Margaret Academy and rejoined us on 15 May. Thanks are due to Mr McLellan for covering the Physics classes and to Mrs Fitzpatrick who took over her Guidance duties during her absence. The timetable has changed for the S1/2/3 pupils, after their return from the May holiday on Tuesday 30. May. The seniors change over after the SQA examinations are completed on Monday 12th June. This will be swiftly followed by School and House captains interviews which take place on Friday 16 and Monday 19 June. You may have seen the school featured recently on Newsnight. We were asked to participate by Educational Services. The programme was dealing with South Ayrshire’s Parental Questionnaire. I am delighted to say that during the filming the pupils could not have been better behaved and were a credit to us all. As ever please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns. R Stewart Prize Giving This event is scheduled for Monday 26 June in the Town Hall at 7pm. Guest Speaker this year is Mr Ken Crawford a FORMER Carrick Academy pupil who is now Stadium Facilities manager at Rangers Football Club. The presentation of prizes will be carried out by Miss McCrindle our former Assistant Principal Teacher of Learning Support who retired last session. End of Term Events A number of staff are offering a variety of end of term excursions for pupils. These range from the Alton Towers visit to a trip to Ireland to the Giant’s Causeway. Leavers' Ceremony We will be saying our goodbyes to our leavers on the afternoon of Friday 9 June. Directorate Visit The directorate have arranged their annual visit to discuss progress with our targets on Friday 2 June. Primary 7 Visit The primary seven pupils begin their two day visit on Wednesday 21st & Thursday 22nd June and there will be the usual Parents' Evening on the Thursday evening.Development Plan The development planning process has identified the following areas for future development.
Tesco Vouchers
S4 Work Experience
If the placement is unsuitable to you, you will be given an opportunity to organise a placement of your choice, subject to Health & Safety vetting. Via P. S. E. classes pupils are being prepared for this purposeful activity in preparation for the world of work or further study. If your organisation would like to offer work placements to pupils at Carrick Academy please contact the school who will pass your company details to the Ayrshire Education Business Partnerships work experience unit.
Well done Katie!
We wish her every success in the forthcoming British Championships Watch this space for more information!
![]() 16 x S3 pupils, three members of staff + Charlie the dog are heading for Glen Trool this weekend. Let's hope the weather is kind to them and the midges don't bite too hard. Full report next month. L Bryden Carrick Academy School Board The Minutes of previous meetings are available in the Library in Maybole High Street, and from the Head Teacher at Carrick Academy, who also has a list of all School Board Members. The next meeting of the School Board will take place on Monday 5 June 2000 at 7. 00pm in the Community Wing, Carrick Academy. Parents and local councillors are welcome to attend these meetings. Topics discussed at the last meeting of Carrick Academy School Board, held on Monday 3 April 2000 in the Community Wing at 7. 00pm.
At a recent School Board Training night I discovered that several other Boards within South Ayrshire issue one or two "News Letters" throughout the school year, and I thought that this might prove to be a useful exercise for Carrick Academy to copy. Many of you may not be exactly aware who the members of the Board are, so to avoid any confusion, I will start off by listing all the members: Lesley Grant Maybole Chairperson Beverley Wood Straiton Parent Member Andrew Duffin Kirkmichael Vice-chair Lynn Bolt Ayr Co-opted Member Ian Rorison Maybole Treasurer Susan Paton Maybole Clerk to the Board Catherine Czerkawska Kirkmichael Parent Member Councillor Alan Murray of Maybole is the local authority Councillor representative and Rodger Stewart and Val Adam represent the school. Our Clerk can be contacted via the School, and will be happy to advise you of home addresses and telephone numbers if you wish to get in touch with any one of us. If you have any worries or concerns relating to your child at Carrick I would encourage you to write or phone any Board Member to see how we can be of help. Please be assured that any matter raised would be held in the strictest confidence, and at no time need your name, or your child’s, be mentioned if the matter was subsequently raised at a Board meeting. Every School Board meeting is open to parents/guardians, and I have now arranged for the date of each meeting to appear in the School Newsletter, along with a list of topics covered. I understand that the newsletter also appears on the Maybole Web Page. (www.Maybole.org) I expect that there may be a vacancy or two next year on the Board and details of this will be sent out by the School in the Autumn. I would encourage you all to consider joining us - we usually meet for a couple of hours on a monthly basis at the School - you never know you might even find our meetings quite enjoyable, and you would have the satisfaction of some positive input into your child’s education. Lesley A Grant (Mrs) Chairperson Trip to Bannockburn On Monday 3 April, 43 second year pupils went to Bannockburn. They were accompanied by Mr Allanach and Mr Downie from the History/Modern Studies Department. Biology Field Trip On Thursday 11 May, 51 Standard Grade Biology pupils accompanied by teachers went to Culzean for the day. The pupils were taking part in field work which is essential for their Standard Grade Biology Exam. German Trip On the 6th April, bright and early in the morning, a group of S2 pupils left for Bad Salzig, in Germany. The group visited National Railway museum in York before sailing to Rotterdam. They then visited many of the sights including the race track where the German Grand prix is held; Marksburg Castle and the amusement park Phantasia Land before they arrived home on Thursday 13 April. Study Leave On Friday 12 May, S4 S5 and S6 spent their last full day in school before leaving to continue their studying at home. We wish them all good luck in their exams and will see them back in class in mid-June. Parents' EveningThe S1 parents' evening took place on Tuesday 16 May. Parents were given the chance to come to the school talk to teachers about their children’s development during their first year in Carrick. Rugby Match
Green 6 French Exchange Unfortunately the return leg to Saint-Etienne, France has been cancelled due to insufficient pupil interest in the exchange. However, Mr Rusk is looking to organise a residential visit to the North of France which will combine French languages, excursions and adventure activities. So watch this space ! End of Session Excursions/Sports Day After last sessions "Sports Activity Day" it was decided to try a new venture as a large number of pupils were not participating in the activities. This session we have put a number of excursions on offer for pupils on the Tuesday prior to the school closing on the Wednesday. Pupils have been given details and costs of these excursions. We hope that a more relaxed and informal day may help further development staff pupil relationships. Volleyball This month has seen the completion of the Ayrshire competitions. The S1 boys represented Carrick at the Citadel and played well in the morning pool. They managed to get into pool 2 in the afternoon session where they found the competition a bit harder. They finished eighth which is the highest position that they have achieved. The S2 (with some S1) boys played at Prestwick Academy 15 May. Lack of experience meant that the team struggled in most matches although some games were very close. Both teams were a credit to the school and to themselves. Well done! @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Dates for the Diary - June 2000 Mon 5th Junior Sports Championships Mon 19th House Captains interviews Friday 9th Leavers' Ceremony Wed 21st P7 visit Mon 12th Induction day, SQA exams end Thurs 22nd P7 visit and P7 Parents' night Friday 16th French Exchange leaves, Friday 23rd & Mon 26th Peer Helping Training School Captains interviews Mon 26th Prizegiving School closes 1 pm on Wednesday 28th June |