Carrick Academy Class Chat - October 2006
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Carrick Academy Class Chat

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By Kirsty McCrorie


Welcome back to pupils and staff after a relaxing October break.


Young Roots


The project is in conjunction with lottery heritage fund and we are hoping to get up to £25,000 to make a DVD about some of the heritage of Maybole. This project is pupil controlled and they will be working along side David Kiltie and Gillian Anderson (Maytag) The team is looking for script writers, actors, camera men etc. It is a great opportunity and we are hoping to get as many people involved as possible.

School Football Update


The Under 18’s side were unlucky in drawing 2-2 against Belmont Academy on the 4th September. Jamie Waugh and Stephen Cochrane scored the goals after a hard fought display at the astro grass.

A week later the boys faced Wallace Hall School in the Scottish Cup. The boys triumphed with a 4-0 win at home. Will Barker opened the scoring with a great curling effort. Substitute Craig Hutton added another after good build up play. The boys got a third thanks to Keir McSorley with a header and finally Jamie Waugh finished off a well-worked goal from the boys. 

Their unbeaten record continued after a convincing 2-0 win against local rivals Girvan. Fraser Thomson drilled in for the first after a great cross from Keir McSorley. The other goal came in the second half from substitute Craig Hutton who scored with his first touch of the game when Will Barker crossed in a free kick from the edge of the area.

They then faced Kyle Academy away with a chance to qualify to the semi finals of the tournament. It started off well after an early goal came for Carrick from Keir McSorley. The game was out of Kyle Academy’s reach when Will Barker scored another screamer from the outside of the box in the middle of the first half. The boys could have added more but it was a goalless second half. However the boys were delighted with their performance.

Unfortunately for the boys only one team went through the group and were put out by goal difference but are looking forward to the Scottish Cup tie that is still to be played.



Carrick Academy successful under 18’s.


Jeans for Genes Day


The school successfully raised a total of £467.69. Well done to all the staff and pupils who contributed to this fund.


Parents Evening


S4 parents evening will be on 7th November and S5/6 parents evening will be on 21st November.

Xmas Parcels


Look through your cupboards!!! Search for tins and food so that Carrick Academy pupils can make up hampers for the elderly in surrounding villages. It’s nice to make people happy at  Christmas!! It’s very much appreciated.



Carrick Academy Parents association is having their AGM on Monday 13th November at 7pm in Carrick Academy. All parents are invited to attend.  Any support over the following year with our fund raising activities would be greatly appreciated.


Children in Need


Senior pupils have begum the plans for our Children In Need Day, which is scheduled for Friday 17th November.

Determined to Succeed


Senior pupils have consulted pupils in the school to consider options for their “Determined to Succeed” budget spend. Last session the dining hall was developed into a more social area with the introduction of 3 TVs. This time the pupils have gone for CCTV system, which will improve our health and safety around the school.

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