Guide to Accessible Maybole and Girvan
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The first Accessible Guides to Troon, Prestwick, Maybole and Girvan have been compiled by members of the South Ayrshire Access Panel.


The South Ayrshire Access Panel comprises of people who give up their own time to campaign for improvements for the disabled community in South Ayrshire.  The Panel, whose parent body is Scottish Disability Equality Forum, has direct links with the Council through an Officer from the Buildings Standards Service, who is the Council’s Disablement Liaison Officer, and also through an Elected Member of the Council who attends Panel meetings.


Members of the South Ayrshire Access Panel seek to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities by attempting to create a barrier free environment that increases mobility for people with disabilities and allows them access to a wide range of buildings.


For the first time ever local residents or visitors to these towns with particular needs will be able to quickly identify places that they can access and which have suitable facilities.


The symbols used within the guide, indicating various aspects of accessibility for each location, were awarded by people with disabilities who took the time and effort to check out the premises.


The guides are free and can be uplifted from a number of places in the towns including:     General Practitioners, Libraries, South Ayrshire Council Offices and the Tourist Information Centre, Ayr from mid May.


The Access Panel would like to thank everyone who has supported this project especially the support that South Ayrshire Council has given, both in Officer time and assistance in the production of the Guides.


For further information on the South Ayrshire Access Panel log on to  alternatively anyone who has any questions about the Accessible Guides should contact Margaret Shearer, the Guide Editor, on telephone number 01292 476758