The following text and
images are excerpted from the book Highways & Byways In Galloway &
Carrick with Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. By Rev. C. H. Dick. Published by
Macmillan and Co. Limited. London 1911.
name—The Castle—The Collegiate Church—John Knox’s House—The Maybole
martyrs—Crossraguel Abbey
FORMER minister of Maybole, the Rev. Roderick Lawson, has written some pleasant
notes on the town and its neighbourhood, and is excellent on the subject of its
name. "Be the etymology what it may, the name itself in its modern form is
one of which any town may well feel proud. What a fine, mouth-filling sound it
has! There is no name of a town along the whole line of the Glasgow and
South-Western Railway which is for a moment to be compared with it. Ayr, for
instance, is plainly too short, and Kilmarnock too long. Troon and Beith are
insignificant. Girvan and Greenock want sound, and Paisley wants strength.
Kilwinning is too smooth, and Ardrossan too rough. Even Glasgow is no better
than it should be. But Maybole is simply perfect." It is a great thing when
a minister can be thoroughly enthusiastic about the name of his parish if about
nothing else! The name probably means "the town by the marsh ". A bit
of land, formerly a swamp, but now drained and cultivated, is still called The
entered Maybole from the north and should advise anyone else to do otherwise.
After surmounting the last of the undulations stretching between the river Doon
and the town, I came upon some ugly factory buildings and heard the grinding and
humming of machinery within. It might have been a fragment of the Kingston
district of Glasgow! Maybole, I may explain in passing, has a large bootmaking
industry and also makes agricultural implements. One may congratulate Maybole on
the enterprise and wealth represented by its chimney-stalks and pass on to more
attractive subjects.
old castle in High Street arrests one. Look at its narrow tower, its
crow-stepped gables, its mouldings, the quaint headings of the little windows,
the antique turrets, the oriel window overhanging the old front, and feel
grateful for its preservation It is believed to have been built about the middle
of the seventeenth century, and was formerly the town house of the Earls of
Cassillis, for if Maybole could not be the county town of Ayrshire, it was at
least the capital of Carrick. At one time there were twenty-eight
"gentlemen’s houses" here. No doubt, the Earl’s was the grandest;
but if some of the others even approached it in beauty, it would have been worth
while to thread one’s way through several miles of factories to see them. The
building which has served as the Tolbooth for nearly two centuries and a half is
known to have been originally the town house of the Lairds of Blairquhan; the
modern Town Buildings, however, have been built against it, and it is now
impossible to infer its aspect as a domestic structure.
Collegiate Church, founded in 1371 by Sir John Kennedy of Dunure in order
that daily services might be celebrated for the happy state of himself, his wife
Mary, and their children, is the oldest building of all. It was served by a
provost and three other priests. Most of the windows have been built up; but it
is still possible to admire their tracery and an elaborately-carved doorway.
After the Reformation the church fell into disrepair and became a mere place of
burial for the Cassillis and one or two other families. A tablet at the east end
of the church gives the names of members of the Cassillis family who were laid
here between 1701 and 1832. It is quite likely, however, that the whole
line of the former " Kings of Carrick" were buried here—David, the
first Earl, who fell at Flodden; Gilbert, the second Earl, who was killed at
Prestwick by Hugh Campbell of Loudoun; Gilbert, the third Earl, who died at
Dieppe, it was supposed of poison; Gilbert, the fourth Earl, who roasted Allan
Stewart; John, the fifth Earl, who caused the Laird of Bargany to be killed; and
John, "the grave and solemn Earl ", who represented the Church of
Scotland at the Westminster Assembly. A tombstone in another part of the
interior bears the following statement within inverted commas: " He cannot
return to us, but with God’s help we hope to go to Him "—surely a
remarkable instance of careless quotation!
way from High Street to the Auld College, as the church is called, lies down a
very steep lane known formerly as the Back Vennal, but now named John Knox
Street; and on the right-hand side there is the old residence of the Provost of
the College. It is labelled "John Knox’s House" because it was the
scene of a great disputation between the Reformer and the last Abbot of
Crossraguel on the question whether the bread and wine brought forth by
Melchizedek to Abraham. were a type of the Mass or not. The debate took place in
September, 1562, and lasted for. three days. The Abbot could not prove
the affirmative, nor Knox the negative; so the logomachy ended where it began.
story of the six Maybole men who lost their lives on account of their fidelity
to the Covenant differs from the normal types of martyrdom. The men were among
the twelve hundred prisoners who were taken at Bothwell Bridge in 1679 and
confined in Greyfriars Churchyard in Edinburgh. They were also among the two
hundred and fifty-seven who were shipped at
Leith for the American plantations. The prisoners were shut up in a hold that
was much too small for them, and endured twelve days of its horrors before the
ship set sail. The voyage to the Orkney Islands took a whole fortnight. Anchor
had been cast off the Mainland of Orkney on the 10th of December when a storm
arose, the ship broke from its moorings, and drove upon the Moul Head of
Deerness. The crew scrambled ashore, but the hatches had been battened down upon
the prisoners, and the master of the vessel refused to lift them. As the ship
went to pieces on the rocks, forty-eight men struggled to land, but the
remaining two hundred and nine were drowned, and among them were the six from
Maybole. These men surely deserve to be remembered along with those who perished
by the bullet or the sword. The names of the Maybole martyrs were Mungo Eccles,
Thomas Home, Robert MacGarron, John MacHarrie, John MacWhirter, and William
Rodger. Their memorial stands in a corner of a field near the town.
scrutiny of the names on the map makes it plain that, however many of the roads
radiating from Maybole be left untravelled, the one leading to Kirkoswald must
not; for this is the way to Crossraguel Abbey, the greatest of the old
ecclesiastical institutions in Carrick and the best preserved of the monastic
buildings of Scotland.1
I followed the road, it was interesting to recall what Stevenson had written
about 2 It is on the whole a dull one, and he did not say
much. Yet it is a little surprising that he considered
the phrase, " dilapidated castles and monasteries ", enough for
Baltersan3 Castle and Crossraguel
4 Abbey. There is, indeed, little to detain the fancy about the keep;
but in the case of one who wrote so much about the monastery of Our Lady of the
Snows we might have looked to hear something of the convent. It is true, Our
Lady of the Snows was the home
of a living piety and a hospitable lodging-place as well, while this is a
deserted ruin; but, as the local writer whom I have quoted already says,
"the sacristy and the chapter-house, the cloisters and the cellars, the
scriptorium and the gatehouse tower are all nearly intact, and one almost
expects as one wanders among the ruins to see a monk coming round the corner
with his bare feet and shaven crown ", a suggestion that might have come
from Stevenson himself. Moreover, the reader who turns to the two magnificent
quarto volumes of the Abbey Charters will find some very lively matter. He will
also learn the outstanding facts about the convent: that it was one of the few
Clugniac settlements in Scotland, that its founder was Duncan, the first Earl of
Carrick, that it had the Kings and Queens of Scotland, both of the Bruce and of
the Stewart line, for its benefactors—Robert the First may have been educated
here—that it held temporal sway over nearly the whole of Carrick, and that it
maintained its witness to the things of the spirit for three centuries and a
half until, when its life was thought to be gone, the eagles were gathered
together. The explanation of Stevenson’s silence—the sufficient explanation—
doubtless is that he did not happen to be in the mood for monasteries that
winter morning.
The Order to which Crossraguel Abbey belonged had its
headquarters at Cluny in Burgundy, and French influence appears in the
architecture, "noticeably in the apsidal termination of the choir, a
distinctly Continental feature and one rare in Scotland, as distinguished from
the square end more peculiar to this country ".
The apse is polygonal. The recurring damages and repairs
to which the abbey has been subjected make it impossible to assign it to any one
period. An attempt to reconstruct its architectural history has been made by Mr.
James A. Morris in Charters of the Abbey of Crosraguel. The abbey was
fortified with strong towers.
Stevenson’s essay, A Winter’s Walk in Carrick and
Galloway, is belied by its title. It was left a fragment unfortunately and
contains nothing of the Galloway part of the tour. In a letter written in
February, 1876, Stevenson says, "I went to Ayr, Maybole, Girvan, Ballantrae,
Stranraer, Glenluce, and Wigton.
I shall make an article of it some day soon, ‘A Winter’s Walk in Carrick and
Galloway’. I had a good time."
Gaelic bail tarsuinn, village set obliquely.
Pron. Crossráygel, 1225—65 Cros- and Corsragmol. Circa 1560 Corsragvell.
Prob. Gaelic crojs ratlhaig mhaoil, cross beside the bare or towerless fort.—Johnston. |