Bosnia ,
Rwanda , Darfur.
A thousand ages gone
and still the battle rages ;
The battle of man
against man, evil against evil.
Land for us, not you---
yet you have lived therein
Throughout your life :
born, grown, loved, procreated
Sons and daughters to
grow, love and procreate,
While wielding swords
and firing guns.
Looting, burning,
raping and cleansing---
Cleansing ethnically,
somehow deemed ethically
For God is on our side,
as when in days gone by
One thousand were slain
with the jaw bone of an ass.
But who sees the
weeping ones, the grieving ones,
The suffering ones ?
Who cares ?
Massacre on massacre :
cleansing on cleansing,
Mad mad world on
collision course to self destruction.
Jesus sees and weeps.
Edna Collie.