Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & co
Troon, an excellent and imposing sea port, in the parish of Dundonald, is
situate 75 miles south- west from Edinburgh, 31 sw from Glasgow, 9 sw from
Kilmarnock, and 5 s from Irvine. Under the patronage of his Grace the Duke of
Portland, this place is advancing steadily to a degree of eminence, and bids
fair to becoming one of the most important sea-ports on the west coast of
Scotland; possessing uncommon natural advantages, in having an extensive bay and
a secure harbour, into which vessels of great burthen(?) can confidently enter
with the wind from almost any point, and anticipating the beneficial results to
be expected from the completion of the grand line of railways from Glasgow to
Preston, Troon is obviously destined to attain a high rank in maritime
estimation. His Grace has of late been making material improvements in the
harbour, by running out dykes and quays; and large basins are being formed, in
which the shipping may moor in perfect safety; when these are finished, it will
be securely protected from every blast. It has two superior dry docks for the
repairing of vessels, large store-houses, a light-house, and a caparious wet
dock in progress; the whole is, and has been for many years, under the immediate
superintendence of Mr John Wilson, civil engineer, the Duke's agent. His Grace
has also a fine ship-building yard here, under the inspection and control of Mr
Robert Thomson; the vessels launched from it have not been surpassed in mould,
speed, elegance, or workmanship; there are sixty men on an average employed in
it. There is likewise a rope and sail manufactory in this place. From the
extremity of the harbour directly to Kilmarnock runs a railway, on which immence
quantities of coal are conveyed from the neighbourhood of the latter town, and
from hence shipped for Ireland, &c.; about 100,000 tons are exported
annually. By the latest returns the number of vessels employed in the shipping
trade of Troon amounted to 1,000, with an aggregate burden of 79,291 tons, and
4,996 men; the number belonging to the port was 23 - tonnage 3,194, employing
193 men. The village is progressively enlarging; and, in addition to the
prosperity derived from its commerce as a port, it enjoys the advantage of being
visited in the bathing season by numerous respectable families. "The
Portland Arms" is a respectable Inn and posting-house, and there are
several other convenient public houses of an inferior grade. The place of
worship is a chapel of ease, in connection with the parish church at the village
of Dundonald.
is a parish on the sea-coast, in the district of Carrick, extending eight miles
along the shore from the water of Irvine toward the south; the village, situate
about four miles and a quarter from Troon, contains a church of the
establishment. Dundonald castle is a ruin of great celebrity, and occupies an
elevated and commanding situation, within a mile of the sea.
The parish of Symington, in Kyle district, is bounded by Monkton on the south
and Dundonald on the north; the village being situate about two miles from the
latter, where is the parish church. The lands in this district were held, at a
remote period, under Walter, the first Stewart, by Symon Loccard, from whom the
place originally obtained the name which it bears at the present day.
Office, troon, John Cowan, Post master - Letters from Kilmarnock and all parts
of Scotland arrive every morning at a quarter before ten, and are despatched
every afternoon at three.
Boyd, William, esq., Symington/ Bole, Colonel John, of Stewarton/ Campbell, Jno.
Deen, esq of Curneath (?)/ Crawford, Col. Robert, of Newfield/ Fairlie, James,
esq. Troon/ Finnie, William, esq. Troon/ Flemming, Rev. James, Troon/ Glen, Rev.
Andrew, Dundonald/ Kelso, Col. William of Dunkeith/ Lambie, Rev. James AM.
Dundonald/ McKerrel, Henry, esq. of Hillhouse/ McLeod, Rev. Jno. A. DD.
Dundonald/ Portland His Grace the Duke of, Fullarton house/ Rankin, Dr. William,
Fairlie house/ Waugh, Rev. _____, Symington/ Wharrie, Rev. T.S. , Symington/
Auxiliary School, Darley hall, - James Stewart, master/ Baird, Fullarton, Troon/
Lockhart, James Spence, Troon/ Parochial School, Dundonald, - Alexander Taylor,
master/ Parochial School, Symington, - Robert Young, master/ Stevenson, Jane,
AGENTS - at Troon
Andrew, Robert, (for the Gatehead colliery)/ Brown, Wm, (for the Fairlie
colliery)/ Crawford, Hugh, (for sewing muslin)/ Reid, James, (general)/ Wharrie,
Thomas, (for sewing web)/ Wilson, James, (for sewing cotton)/ Wilson, John, sen.,
(civil engineer and manager for hte harbour and railways)/ Wilson, John, jnr.,
(for the Duke of Portland's collieries)
Andrew, Hugh, Troon/ White, Robert, Troon
Campbell, William, Troon/ Cockburn, Lawrence and William, Dundonald/McMillan, James,
Symington/ Porter, Joseph, Symington
Blair, John, Symington/ Brown, Thomas, Symington/ Drennan, William, Troon/
Eitken, James, Symington/ Galt, James, Dundonald/ Galt, john, Dundonald/ Lucas,
William, Dundonald/ Sym, William, Troon
Alexander, James, Troon/ Allinson, Hugh, Troon/ Ballantyne, James, Dundonald/
Findlay, James, Dundonald/ Stevenson, John, Troon/ Thomson, James, Dundonald
Aiton, William, Troon/ Gillies, John, Troon
Portland Arms, Gabriel Douglas, Troon
Andrew, Hugh, Lave mill/ Andrew, James, (flax), Lave mill/ Blair, William,
Greatridge/ Wilson, Thomas, Shewalton
Currie, James & John, Troon
Thomson, Robert, Troon
Marked thus * are Masters only
Andrew, Robert/ Boyd, John/ Brown, Captain Matthew/ Brown, William/ Caldwell,
Capt., Jn/ Cowan, John/ Currie, James/ Currie, John/ Davidson, Capt., John/ *
Drummond, Jn./ Gillies, Alexander/ Highet, John/ Hunter, Captain Alexander/
Muir, Martha/ Nichol, Capt Dul./ Nichol, Capt Rbt/ Reid, James/ Samson, Matthew/
* Shields, William/ Stirling, Capt Jno/ Thomson, Robert/ Watson, Captain
William/ Wilson, John/ Wilson, John jnr
Andrew, David, Troon/ Brown, Jean, Troon/ Buchanan, Nathan, Troon/ Cowan,
Hector, Troon/ Cowan, James, Troon/ Cowan, John, Troon/ Giffen, Janet, Symington/
Hall, Matthew, Troon/ Hay, John, Dundonald/ Henry, Helen, Symington/ Highet,
John, Troon/ McMurray, John, Troon/ Muir, Hugh, Troon/ Patrick, John, Troon/
Porteous, William, Symington/ Templeton, Robert, Dundonald/ Walker, William,
Dundonald/ Weir, William, Dundonald
Alexander, John, Dundonald/ Auld, Hugh, Troon/ Thomson, John, Dundonald
Alexander, William, Dundonald/ Black, Robert, Dundonald/ Paterson, Alexander, Troon
Ballantyre, Daniel, Troon/ Gillies, Alexander, Troon/ Jamieson, William, Troon/
Louden, Hugh, Symington/ Louden, Thomas, Dundonald/ Munro, John, Dundonald/
Wallace, John, Dundonald
Aiton, William, Troon/ Andrew, David, Troon/ Brown, Jean, (Crown), Troon/
Buchanan, Nathan, Troon/ Cowan, Hector, Troon/ Cowan, James, Troon/ Cowan, John,
Troon/ Findlay, John, Dundonald/ Gibbs, William, Troon/ Giffen, Janet, (Black
Bull), Symington/ Hall, Matthew, (Ship), Troon/ Henry, Helen, (Thistle),
Symington/ Highet, John, Troon/ Lockhart, James Spence, Troon/ Muir, Hugh, Troon/
Orr, John, Dundonald/ Patrick, John, Troon/ Pearson, John, Troon/ Porteous, Wm,
(Crown), Symington/ Smith, David, Troon/ Thomson, William, Dundonald/ Walker,
William, Dundonald/ Weir, William, Troon
Aiton, James, lime burner, Troon/ Buchanan, John, cooper, Troon/ Dinnen, Hugh,
saddler, Dundonald/ Paterson, Alexander, ship broker, Troon/ Paterson, John,
land measurer, Troon/ Wharrie, Thomas, clothier, Troon
Landing Waiter - Robert Alexander
Tide Waiters - Thomas Erskine & Archibald Mc Neil
To Irvine - an omnibus, from Cowan's, every Sunday morning at nine
To Kilmarnock - the "Royal Sovereign", from the Portland Arms, Troon,
and an omnibus, from the Crown, Symington, every evening (Sunday excepted) at
six; an omnibus, from Cowan's, every morning ( Sunday excepted) at seven, and
evening at five; from the Ship, Troon, every evening (Sun. excepted) at half
past six; and from the Crown, Symington, every Friday morning at nine.
To Ayr, John Mc Clarking, from Troon, every Tuesday and Friday
To Kilmarnock, John Haddy, from Troon, daily
Steam Packets from Troon
To Ayr, the 'St Mun", every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the "Nimrod" every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
To Glasgow, the "Nimrod", every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the "St Mun" every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Coasting vessels Sail regularly to all the principal ports in IRELAND, and also
to the ISLE OF MAN.
This transcript was
kindly provided by Keith Muirhead
from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.