Ayrshire directory 1837 By Pigot & Co
West Kilbride is a village, in the parish of its name and district of
Cunningham, 73 miles wsw from Edinburgh, 30 sw from Glasgow, 24 ssw from
Paisley, the like distance n from Ayr, 22 s from Greenock, 19 sw from
Kilmarnock, 12 n from Irvine, 7½ s from Largs, 7 sw from Dalry, 5 n from
Saltcoats, and the like distance s from Fairlie, and 4 nw from Ardrossan;
situate in a hollow, surrounded on all sides by rising grounds, which on the
west protect it from the keen sea breezes, and on the opposite aspect from
easterly winds. The scenery around is bold and romantic, intersperced with
several genteel handsome residences. The ruins of Law castle and of Portencross
are in the immediate vicinity of the village, and are both objects of interest
to the curious in architectural relics. The principal employment of the
inhabitants is weaving, in which about one hundred and forty looms are engaged;
there is also a manufactory for charcoal, and a mill for grinding the article.
In population and extent the village has materially increased within the
recollection of many persons; in the former respect it has augmented more than
two-fold in the progress of the last thirty years. The places of worship are the
parish church, and a small chapel in connection with the united associate synod.
The parochial school, a most useful institution, affords education upon very
moderate terms to those who are enabled to pay, and gratuitously to such as are
not blessed with the means of doing so; there is likewise a parochial library.
The parish extends six miles along the shore of the Firth of Clyde, and inland
from two to three miles. The district, independent of the ruins already
mentioned, possessed other attractive vestiges of antiquity; and it is worthy of
remark that, off the sea line of the parish, one of the largest vessels
composing the Spanish Armarda remains sunk to ten fathoms water: an attempt was
made about eighty five years since, to examine the internal condition of this
ship, and the operation succeeded so far that a piece of ordinance was raised
from her bulk.
Post Office, William Hunter, Post master - Letters from Saltcoats, Glasgow
&c arrive every forenoon at eleven, and are despatched every afternoon at
two - Letters from Largs, &c arrive every afternoon at one, and are
despatched every afternoon at twenty minutes before two.
Alexander, Major Alexander, Carlung
Alexander, the Misses, Carlung
Boyd, Miss Marion, Orchard
Cranford, John, Esq of Auchenames
Cranford, Miss, Portencross
Findlay, Rev Thomas, Manse
Fullarton, Lieut. John of Overtown
Hindman, John Blair, Esq Springside
Huegen, George McMurdo, Esq, Seamill cottage
Hunter, Robert, Esq, of Hunterstone
Hunter, Robert, Esq, of Kirkland
Love, Mrs Janet, Hall hill
Richie, Francis C, Esq Kirktown hall
Spiers, John Esq, Surgeon
Wark, David, Esq, Portencross
Campbell, Margaret
Craig, William
Parochial School, William Smith, master
Gray, Hannah ans Ann
Hughs, Edward
King, John (Cranford's Arms)
Muir, Eliz. (Crosshill Inn), Crosshill
Richie, Alexander, (Wellington Inn)
Russell, John
Simpson, Robert
Smith, James
Tyre, Ann
Barbour, Ephrain, linen draper and manufacturer's agent
Broadfoot, John, linen draper and manufacturer's agent
Brown, John, blacksmith
Craig, John, tailor
Duncan, William, Blacksmith
Gemmil, Hugh, grocer
Gemmil, John, joiner
Gemmil. Wm. grocer and spirit dealer
Graham, Malcolm, grocer
Henry, John, joiner
Hunter, William, linen draper
Jamieson, William, charcoal manufacturer and grinder
King, John, joiner and timber merchant
Logan, Elizabeth, grocer
Logan, William, joiner
McCueg, Duncan, shoe maker
McFie, John, shoe maker
McIntyre, William, tailor
McKinnon, John, tailor
Miller, James, baker
Parochial Library, Wm Hunter, librarian
Richmond, Thomas, miller
Scott, William, stone mason
Shaw, John, agent to manufacturer
Smith, William, blacksmith
Stalker, David, tailor
Stalker, John, tailor
Stirling, Alexander, shoe maker
Templeton, Geo., grocer, spirit dealer and ironmonger
Williamson, Alx., linen draper and stamp office
Wilson, Daniel, joiner
Wilson, Gilbert, stone mason
Wilson, John, miller
Wilson, Robert, joiner
To Glasgow - George Robertson, every Monday
To Saltcoats - Andrew Clark, daily
This transcript was
kindly provided by Keith Muirhead
from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.