Masons - Ceremories for laying the Town Hall and Library Stones
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The pages below contain the Maybole Free Masons programmes for the laying of the foundation stones for "The New Town Hall, Maybole", on the 1st of June 1887 and the Carnegie Public Library in 1905. The image to the left is one side of a token for lodge 198. Click on it for a larger view. (Contributed by Alistair Hastings)

(Click on the images below to view the full page)

layingthestone1.gif (66978 bytes)

layingthestone2.gif (56931 bytes)

layingthestone3.gif (30249 bytes)

layingthestone4.gif (41315 bytes)

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library2.gif (55795 bytes)

Town Hall pg 1 Town Hall pg 2 Town Hall pg 3 Town Hall Toast Library pg 1 Library pg 2

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layingthestone6.gif (62154 bytes)

Library pg 3 Library pg 4        


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