The Value of the Pound

The table below was produced by Allan Robinson, of Cramlington, Northcumberland in consultation with the Bank of England and information supplied from its Retail Price Index. The value shown against each year is its relative value compared with £1 in 1997, e.g. £1 in 1857 would have a buying power of £38.20 in 1997.

1997 1.00
1987 1.55
1977 3.41
1967 10.17
1957 13.48
1947 21.71
1937 28.87
1927 26.52
1917 25.17
1907 48.62
1897 53.48
1887 51.76
1877 40.11
1867 38.20
1857 38.20
1847 35.66
1837 38.20
1827 35.66
1817 29.17
1807 31.46
1800 28.15
1790 50.14
1780 55.33
1770 55.33
1760 66.85
1750 76.40
1700 69.76
1650 66.85
1600 114.61
1550 267.45
