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An excellent and scholarly new book about Maybole has just been published by Historic Scotland. There are many source references, images and illustrations in this work. The 62 pages in this book survey the areas of archaeological potential within Maybole but also make for a concise and authoritative review of its fascinating history. Click on the images of the book below to view them full size. See the end of this page for various sources for copies of this book. Latest news from around Historic Scotland

Historic Maybole revealed in new book Published: 14 February 2006 By: Communications & Media

A new survey of Maybole has been published highlighting the history that has shaped the town. Historic Scotland, together with South Ayrshire Council and the Council for British Archaeology, this week published the Burgh Survey of Maybole, charting it’s development since it first appeared in historical records in the 12th century.

Editor of the book, Martin Brann, an Assistant Inspector of Ancient Monuments with Historic Scotland, said:
“This latest book in the Burgh Survey series, covering Scotland’s historic towns, reveals that there is much more to the archaeology and history of Maybole than its famous tackety boots.  “This series aims to identify areas of archaeological potential and assess the implications of past development in important, historic towns like Maybole.”

The authors, E Patricia Dennison of Edinburgh University, Dennis Gallagher and Gordon Ewart of Kirkdale Archaeology Ltd. recount how this south-west town progressed through the centuries.

Speaking about the book, the Convener of South Ayrshire Council's Rural Communities Committee, Councillor Hywel Davies said:   “I think that it is very important that the development of rural communities is documented, and this book does so with informative text, excellent photographs and fascinating maps. “The book will hopefully appeal to older people who have lived through some of the changes, and to young people who will be able to learn about the history and archaeology of Maybole.”  

Maybole was first recorded in 1193 when Duncan, Earl of Carrick, granted ‘the lands of Meibothelbeg’ to the monks of Melrose. Granted the status of a burgh in 1516, Maybole was a focal point of the economic life and society of Carrick. The later development of the medieval town was influenced by the tempestuous history of local rivalries and feuds – encouraging the building of defensible townhouses, such as the surviving castle and the tollbooth.

The survey also traces the industrial growth and prospering economy of 19th century Maybole and the lasting impact that new civic building, factory and residential developments had on the townscape.

Contact Details:
Historic Scotland
Communications & Media
Lesley Brown
Tel: 0131 668 8603

Suggested sources for ordering this book on-line. ISBN 1 902771 51 6, 65pp, 30 illustrations, Price £9.50 or $20 USD

Council for British Archaeology

Oxbox Books (UK) David Brown (US) Amazon (UK) Amazon (US)

The Maybole Resource Centre in High Street, Maybole also has copies for sale for those able to visit the Centre.