Excerpt from
the book Ayrshire Heritage by Andrew M. Boyle. Alloway
Publishing, Ayr.
JAMES PATERSON (1805-1876) Born at Struthers Farm, between Kilmarnock and Hulfford. After brief spells
at schools in Hurlford, Maybole, Kilmaurs, Kilmamock and in Ireland, this son of
an unsuccessful farmer began work as a stable boy at 11. At 14, he started an
apprenticeship as a printer and worked at the trade in Kilmamock and Ayr. In
1831, he published and edited the Kilmarnock Chronicle, the town's first
newspaper. Later in the same decade, he edited the Kilmanock Journal and Ayr
Observer newspapers. He taught himself historical research, and wrote several
valuable and learned books on history, including Origins of the Scots and the
Scottish language. His main contribution was his History of the County of Ayr,
published first in 2 volumes (1847-52), in 5 volumes (1863-66) and with addenda
in 1871; it is an incredible literary achievement for a man who had the minimum
of formal education, and is still the most comprehensive and important work on
the county's history.