Rev. Peter Menzies
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The Rev. Peter Sinclair Menzies was born in Greenock, 1st November, 1839; came to Maybole with his father, the late Dr William Menzies, in 1844; was minister first of High Church, Paisley, and then of St George’s-in-the-Fields, Glasgow; and finally died, junior minister of the Scots Church, Melbourne, Australia, 23d February, 1874, aged 34 years.

After receiving a sound primary education at Maybole Parish School, he entered the University of Glasgow. It was my fortune to study with him in the Junior Greek Class there, where he took a good position. I was then struck with that impulsive eagerness which characterised him in all his actions. When I came as minister to Maybole in 1863, we met frequently on friendly terms.

After his death, a volume of his sermons was published by his widow, from which I have made a few extracts. The late Dr Service of Glasgow characterised these sermons as "the cleverest in print;" but this probably was owing to the partiality of friendship. Still, the thinking is vigorous and well expressed, and Maybole has no reason to be ashamed of her son.

The Scots Church, Melbourne, has become noted of late years for its Broad Church teaching. This tendency was begun by Mr Menzies, and may be noticed even in. the following extracts, although not to any marked extent. It is solemnising to think that he who wrote these opinions, about which men have differed so much, now knows the full truth regarding them.

Dr Cameron Lees of St. Giles’, Edinburgh, recently went out on a mission to Melbourne to heal divisions which had arisen in connection with the Scots Church there. And in his opening address before a crowded congregation, he said :—" There is a connection of a personal character between you and myself. You were once ministered to by my beloved friend, Peter Menzies, one of the noblest and purest of men; and if I could further the work he loved, in this beautiful church he was instrumental in building, it would be a great pleasure for me to do so."

Mr Menzies now lies beside his brother Charles in the Boroondara Cemetery, Melbourne, and his congregation have inserted a stained glass window in the church, in memory of him. His name is also mentioned on the family tombstone in our own Cemetery.

Some of Rev. Peter S. Menzies’ Sayings.

Keep clear of mere machineries, stride over church worships, and earthly priesthoods, and all the theologic lore of ages, and go direct to Christ, and ask thyself whether thou canst love Him supremely and undividedly?

As the beauty of the heavens cannot be reflected in muddy water, neither can the eternal holiness of God be reflected anywhere but in Christ.

There was never a truly original thought produced by any one but God.

A great mind observes great laws, broad inward principles, guides its conduct by fixed and determinate methods; while a weak mind sets order at defiance, and imagines itself to be free, when it is simply lawless.

The love of God can speak in thunder. And it is so dear and infinitely precious to us just because it can never be dissevered from infinite and perfect holiness.

The salvation which Christianity declares is primarily and essentially salvation from sin, and not from suffering.

It is as difficult to pray well as to live well. For prayer, rightly uttered, must reflect with perfect faithfulness the life of the pleading soul; and God can only judge when either the life or the prayer is such as to find acceptance in His sight.

When the electric current enters the wire, no one hears it; so when the Spirit of God enters the soul, it is ruled as quietly as when the blood fills the veins.

The many mansions are good, but He is better.

The only true refuge from doubt is the light of ampler truth.

Christ had an extreme respect for all human beings, which kept Him from despising even their foolish misconceptions.

The church should be in league with everything that can. bless, and beautify, and elevate the life of man. The entire function of the church is to be the vehicle of Christ’s Spirit.

We must never separate faith in Christ’s atoning Death from the necessity of communion with His Risen Life.

No result of history seems to me so certain as that the world has, as time revolved, and notably since Christ came, revealed an increasingly large number of good men, and a higher average standard of goodness.

We must seek heavenly things by doing earthly things in a heavenly spirit.

There are some who never seem to feel any spiritual wants, and who, if they had their food and shelter, property and friends, would probably never ask the question—Is there a God?

Anywhere, everywhere, hate evil, shun falsehood, deny self, trust in the Love that died for you, realise the Mercy that waits for you, open your heart to the Grace that is sufficient for you; and then, though all unheralded by mystic Voice, or blazing Apparition, the Unseen One reciprocates your filial yearnings, and manifests Himself to you in another way than He does unto the world.

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