Prefatory Note
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This book originated with the various drawings which I from time to time received from two friends to illustrate my "Monthly Letters." These drawings of local objects seemed to be appreciated by the towns-people, and I have sought here to give them a more permanent record. In describing them, I have tried to avoid repeating what I have already said in previous books, and have inserted what additional facts I thought might be interesting to all. In the latter part, I have gathered together some notices of people once well known among us, whose story may be profitable to remember. The main feature of the book is, of course, the illustrations, which speak for themselves, and which, I believe, will compare favourably with those of any local guide-book which is published at an equally small cost, and for a necessarily limited audience. They were the work of friendship, and were presented to me gratuitously for the purpose of interesting the towns-people.

The drawings on pages 9, 22, 26, 27, 31, 32, 37, 39, 41, 46, 47, 55, 57, were the work of Mr Robert Bryden A.R.P.E.S., Student, South Kensington, London, who has so generously helped me all along. Three of them, which may he easily recognised, are reproductions from a work of his shortly to be published, entitled Etchings of Ayrshire Castles. The drawings on pages 12, 1B, 19, 21, 44, 30, 44, 49, 63, were the work of Mr J. Whitelaw Hamilton, Helensburgh. The drawings of our two Public Schools were presented to me by my friend Mr James A. Morris, A.R.I.B.A., London, author of the architectural section of the large work on Crossraguel Abbey, published by the Ayrshire and Wigtownshire Archaeological Society.

The book might have been easily extended, but I write for common people who wish to have their reading condensed, and I trust that this attempt to make our town and its surroundings more interesting will be accepted in the spirit in which it is made. R. L.

Table of Contents

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