Dundonald Castle - Scotland
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Steel Engraving from 1845.

DUNDONALD CASTLE has never made any conspicuous appearance in our national history; but it claims attention, as having been the residence of some of our princes of the house of Stewart.  The eminence on which this castle stands is supposed to have given name to the parish of Dundonald.  It is situated on the coast of the frith of Clyde, in that division of Ayrshire which has been denominated Kyle, lying between the rivers Doon and Irvine.

This castle gives name to the earldom in the family of Cochrane; but the rising ground on which it stands, with five roods of land adjoining, is all the property in this parish which now pertains to that family.  No authentic record can be produced as to the time when the castle was built, or when it was spoiled of its roof, and rendered desolate.   A large pile still remains.   Its walls are very thick, and built of the whhistone which abounds in the vicinity; the corners are of freestone; the Stuart arms appear on different parts of the building; and the whole has much the form of those castles which were raised in Britain during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.  Opposite to the village and castle is a very beautiful bank of wood, extending near a mile to the northwest.