Rev. W. Hicks |
The following article was contributed by Campbell Morrison, a relative of Rev. W. Hicks. Rev. Hicks left Maybole for Bobcaygeon, a village in Ontario, Canada.. The local (Bobcaygeon) paper reporting the death of the Rev. W. Hicks said in part "A gloom was cast over the village on Wednesday when word was received from Lindsay that Rev. W. Hicks had passed away at the age of 39 years. Although his condition was considered serious his many friends did not think the end was so near. Last week he was taken to the hospital and underwent an operation and on Tuesday evening another operation was considered his only hope. The late Mr. Hicks had been pastor of the Baptist Church in Bobcaygeon and the Scotch Line, and had earned a warm place in the hearts of his congregation, as well as other denominations and will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. A funeral service was held on Friday, July 31st, 1925, at 2-30 p.m. At 1 p.m. a number of people were waiting on the door being opened and before the service commenced the church could not accommodate all who wished to pay their last respects to their deceased friend.
The latter two hymns were used by Mr. Hicks in his last service here and would almost seem to be a forecast of his early passing. Rev. Mr. Price, Reaboro, a fellow student spoke of his work and influence and also of the high esteem in which Mr. Hicks was held by the folks at Reoboro where Mr. Hicks had laboured one summer as Student Pastor. Mr. Thos. Urquhart, Lawyer and Ex-Mayor of the City of Toronto, who had been in residence for some years at Aurora, knew Mr. Hicks since the time he came to that town from the homeland and took up work at his trade in the Shoe factory. Before leaving his Office that morning he intimated to his partner that he was off to attend the funeral of Mr. Hicks, Bobcaygeon. "Why" his partner said, "That must be the Mr. Hicks who was overseas with me, He Was A Good Man" - a splendid tribute. Proceeding, Mr. Urquhart said, "I looked forward to see him in the front line because he had the touch which brought men to him in his preaching of the Gospel". Rev. Mr. Drumm, Presbyterian Minister, Bobcaygeon, spoke of him as a fellow minister and said "The spirit was too strong for the body and the body could not stand it!" Rev. Mr. Fletcher, StouffYille - "I have been wondering why we love brother Hicks. One reason he had a beautiful face, he had a tender heart. It was my privilege to spend a week in the north country preaching and I shall never forget, the refreshing messages of Mr. Hicks. Has he quit his work, that pastor heart that slaved for his congregation, that meant so much to the Assoc? I believe he goes on today". Rev. Mr. Kennedy, a retired pastor, who spends each summer near Bobcaygeon, spoke of his work and worth as a citizen. When a man dies people will say "What sort of a citizen was he" I have known all the pastors in this Baptist Church for the past 50 vears. Not one of them ever made a better impression on the citizens, a better impression for goodness, than Rev. Mr. Hicks who lies in this casket to-day. He belongs to you. The representation here to-day of the oldest order in the world, and the fact that he preached to the Orange Order, shows that he was held in the highest esteem. People will say of him "Well, he was a good man". It has been said that he was bound for one of the front rank pulpits. Whether or not, it takes a great deal more grace to preach in a small church than in the front line pulpits and Mr. Hicks was certainly a faithful preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rev.Mr. Carew, Fenel on Falls, who was in charge of the service told how that at the hospital as the end was drawing near Mr. Hicks had turned to the two nurses and said "Girls, prepare for heaven" then murmured "The Lord is my helper I will not fear" and taking a sip of water he turned his face aside and fell on sleep. He lived preaching, he died preaching. All speakers expressed the deep sympathy not only of the churches but of the community for Mrs. Hicks and her little children. Rev Mr. Davies, Presbyterian Minister, Fenel on Falls, closed the service with prayer. The body was laid to rest in the Verulam Cemetery, where, after a brief portion of scripture read by Mr. Carew and a short prayer by Mr. Kennedy, the Masonic brethern took charge and carried out the regular masonic service. There were many floral tributes. There were people present from all over the country side (scores of autos) from distances of 12 20 40 and up to about 100 miles. |