Log files
Maybole.org collects information about its site visitors solely for the
purpose of understanding what visitors are looking at and how they are viewing
the site. We collect, as do most websites, information about the Internet
Service Provider (ISP) being used by a visitor, which pages are viewed, time of
visit, browser and browser resolution being used, entry and exit pages, length
of time on the site and other similar data. In no instances are we able to
identify individuals by name, computer being used or other information, which
reveal the identity of the visitor. The site logs generated by this data
collection are used to identify areas of interest to visitors and to design
pages in a manner compatible with the most popular browsers.
Cookies are not collected.
When you use the search function on our site provided by
Google search. Your search
words are logged and reported to us on a weekly basis. The only information
given in this report are the search strings and number of times each word is
entered into the search function.
Opt-in or
Other than changing your browser settings for accepting cookies we have no
other opt-in opt-out alternatives and no functions that require them.
If you sent us an email message we may use some of the information on the
website including your email address. We may also publish your comments in the
quarterly Maybole Community News, published by the Ayrshire Post. This may be done if you are sending a
compliment about the site, an inquiry as to relatives or ancestors with a
connection to Maybole or a contribution of text or images for the site. If we
use portions of the text or images from an email we will notify the sender at
the email address provided, in most instances but not always. Our intention is
to respect your rights and protect the privacy of all visitors to the site. We
will remove any material you have sent us if you request us to do so.