September 11, 2001
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Click on the images of tributes and news of the events of September 11, 2001 to view them.

Memories from an earlier day of fireservice.

Women in the fire service is nothing new, as we found out when a wartime photo from Maybole was loaned to us. It comes to us courtesy of Margaret Pedersen from Ithaca, New York . Ayrshire Post (11/2001)

World Trade Centre Disaster.
Message from Rev Richard Martin, Maybole Baptist Church. Why does God Allow it?

My son Nick looking at the New York City skyline.

In memory of those who died September 11, 2001.
A Tribute by Rich Pettit, Webmaster.

A simple prayer of reconciliation from Our Lady & St. Cuthberts weekend services. Submitted by Ellen Hawkes. Prayer for Peace

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South Ayrshire Council has placed a book of condolence in their office in the High Street. All are invited to go in and sign it.

Sermon given  September 16th, 2001 by Rev. John Stuart, former minister of the West Church Maybole

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