MBE JP, left, and Professor William McCreath. More than
half-a-century has passed since two paths first crossed –
those of a teacher and his pupil. Now they have met again to
reflect on lives that took totally different directions. But
a little school in Maybole will always link Bill McCreath
and David Kiltie. Bill was a 23-year-old teacher there in
1957, travelling by bus from his family home in Girvan.
David Kiltie was a bright 11-year-old pupil, about to sit
his ‘Qualifying’ exam. They have just met again as Professor
Bill McCreath and David Kiltie MBE JP. Bill’s life took him
to the USA and a distinguished career in art and education.
David combined a career in computers with notable work on
behalf of the Maybole community. David said: “It was great
to meet Bill again when he was over to visit his family at
the New Year. “We have been in touch through the Maybole
website, but not in person.” |
Bill McCreath is a member
of a renowned Girvan fishing family. And he worked on the boats to
earn cash during summer months. Bill became a teacher, and landed a
job at what was then Cairn Public School in Maybole – now Cairn
Primary. But he always had a passion for art – ceramics and
pottery in particular. And he emigrated to Canada in 1959, before
moving on to the USA in the 1960s. Bill remains a respected
professor or art and design at Montclair State University, New
Jersey, just half-an-hour from New York City. David had a humble
start to life, born in rented rooms in Maybole. But he was a bright
kid, gaining top awards at both Cairn and Carrick Academy. David was
early into computers – when they still had reel-to-reel tapes. And
he topped the poll in the election to Maybole Town Council, on his
24th birthday in 1969. David kept on working for his community, even
after the town council was scrapped. He chaired the community
council, and was a key man in setting up the May-Tag job training
agency as well as the Maybole website. David also spearheaded the
town’s many twinning links, and he is a JP as well as an MBE.
CLASS OF 57: Bill is the young
teacher, and David is third from the right in the second
front row. |
OLD SCHOOL: Yes, it was indeed
Cairn PUBLIC School, in case anyone doubts it. And David
Kiltie’s name is among the Gray Medal winners.