Cairn Primary School - Set to Close?
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Cairn Public School opened in August 1890 but was not considered as a separate institution until the close of the Ladyland School year which was on 31st October. It was officially opened on Monday 3rd November, 1890 and during the first week enrolled 196 boys and 144 girls.

Now, Cairn Primary School could be set to close. As part of a cost-cutting exercise, South Ayrshire Council officers have recommended that Cairn as well as St Ann’s and Pinwherry Primaries should be closed.


They believe the closures would save £250,000 but say that nothing will happen before the affected communities are consulted. Under the budget proposals, Cairn Primary in Maybole, the biggest school to be affected, will be merged with Gardenrose Primary. Pupils at St Ann’s in Mossblown will move to Ayr’s St John’s Primary, and Pinwherry pupils will transfer to the new school at Colmonell.


Maybole Community Council is one group which will be consulted on the closures. A spokesperson said: “There is a worry about the public consultation process in general. “Many people feel it’s just a case of paying lip service and the real decisions have already been taken. “However, we want to ensure that everyone who has an opinion is heard and there is sure to be a fair amount said on this subject.”


Councillor Hywel Davies believes closures can mean a brighter future for the affected pupils. He said: “These pupils wouldn’t be left without an education – they would go to good schools. “In the longer term we have plans to build a new school in Maybole and I’m confident South Ayrshire will continue its record as one of the top areas for education in Scotland. “We are ready to talk to the community about this when, in the past, people may have tried to push things under the carpet. “Far from being a step back, I’m sure these moves will be progress.”


Brian McInroy, Head of Service and School Management, has advised that, on 7th October, the Council approved a proposal to consult with the Maybole community on a potential merger of Cairn PS with Gardenrose PS. However, the decision on whether this merger will go ahead has still to be made and the proper period of statutory consultation will now take place. He continued, “Following approval of the consultation paper to be presented at our Leadership Panel scheduled for 23rd November, Officers will engage with the Maybole community in a formal way. It is, however, my intention to have an informal meeting with the Parent Councils of each primary school as soon as possible after the October holidays to try to answer any questions and to advise on the consultation process.”

See also - Mums Ready to Fight for Cairn School