Improving Maybole Town Centre
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Improving Maybole Town Centre  South Ayrshire Council and Maybole Community Council are hoping to gather a group of local people together to look at ways of improving the High Street in appearance and its appeal to shoppers and visitors to the town. They want to hear from anyone who would like to be involved in what is being called a “Stakeholders Group” to give local input to the project.

A spokesman for the Community Council said, “To get this activity started in Maybole in a structured way, South Ayrshire Council is hoping to arrange for a specialist in urban regeneration to get involved. “This will provide some input to the development of ideas, with a view to establishing a clear “agenda” for taking future joint working forward. “The group will meet at the most on a couple of occasions, so volunteers don’t need to be worried about being involved in a whole series of meetings. “To be clear, this is not about the Council trying to tell the Maybole community what is good for them. “A significant amount of groundwork has been done already, including the recent asset mapping exercise, and the idea is to build on that and to consider factors such as perceived priorities, as well as strategic developments for Maybole, such as ‘life after the bypass’. “

This will also provide the opportunity to tease out with the stakeholder group what aspects are important and for the expert to put forward views on future developments from wider experience of the situation in Scotland. “From there, an agreed plan can begin to be developed.”

If you have a business in Maybole and wish to be involved or if you just have an interest in having your say on this important topic please get in touch with Alan Murray on 07807450324

Large scale image of High Street