Weeks of April 6th and 13th, 2001
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Week of April 13th, 2001

1colts.jpg (81348 bytes)No Pain in the Rain Now for Maybole Lads. Carrick Colts age-9s have a sensible addition to their kit - rain jackets! The Maybole - based team bought the jackets thanks to a donation of £180  from the Carrick Round Table.

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Raising Cash Went to Cairn Pupils' Heads! Pupils used their heads to collect money for the big Comic Relief effort at Maybole's Cairn Primary School.

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A new hairstyle for game-for-a-laugh Eddie Glass.

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It certainly wasn't a dozy idea to stage a pyjama party to raise funds for Gardenrose Nursery in Maybole.

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The kids looked cuter than even in their nightwear - and paid a total of £65 for the privilege of turning up in comfier clothes than normal.

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That's Rich ...Website Creator comes to Town. American Rich Pettit, creator of Maybole's world-wide hit website, is visiting the town next week.

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Call for Collectors. Maybole branch of Save the Children is looking for local people to spare an hour to collect funds.

Week of April 6th, 2001


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The Tots have Lots of Fun Here. It's child's play at Tiny Tots Playgroup in Maybole - and they love every minute.

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Culzean set to re-open. Culzean Castle and Country Park is poised to re-open after being forced to close in the bid to contain foot and mouth disease. The popular visitor attraction will open its doors again next Thursday (April 12th) - in perfect time for Good Friday and the busy Easter weekend.

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Knead Dough?: Play-Doh is just the stuff to mould into any shape you fancy.

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All Together: Tiny Tots gather round a farm-yard scene that lets them place the animals ....

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Opening doors for those who want to learn. Councillor Andy Hill (left) and Maybole community development officer Peter Walker at the official opening...

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Window Watching: David Welsh (centre) and his pals find it fun to cram into the playhouse.

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Doors Open on Free 'Surfing'. The bid to make Maybole folk more computer literate took a fresh step forward last week.
mcdg-2.jpg (72949 bytes) Pictured following the official opening of the office are (left to right) Maybole Community Development Group administration assistant Elizabeth Blair ... mcdg-3.JPG (34313 bytes) Jaki Thomson (front) made use of free Internet access to look for an on-line course. She wants to make use of the Government's Individual Learning Account offer of £150 towards a training course.
yagrp.gif (43646 bytes) Youth Action Group has how been officially formed and will work closely with South Ayrshire Council's Community Education Department... mcdg-1.jpg (30801 bytes) Maybole organisation representatives Senga Ferguson (Brownies), Peter Mason (community council) and Jim Shield (community association) called in to look round the new premises.

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Did Prince Rainier 'hit' Maybole? Maybole's web site achieved a new record total page hits.

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New Group names officials. Maybole has a new group- the residents and tenants association of The Loaning, Cairnfield Avenue and Gelbe Crescent.